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richard of holy trinity

on foot, because our rank is higher than yours: we are content with the
service which is our duty; but this service on foot belongs to you rather
than us.Ó Whilst thus the two parties were contending which of them were
the greatest, their continued dispute caused much delay, and when at last
they came to a decision how their nefarious attempt should be achieved,
the dawn of day appeared, viz. the Wednesday next following the feast of
St. Peter ad vincula. But now, by the providence of God, who had decreed
that his holy champion should not be seized whilst asleep by the infidels, a
certain Genoese was led by the divine impulse to go out early in the
morning into the fields, where he was alarmed at the noise of men and
horses advancing, and returned speedily, but just had time to see helmets
reflecting back the light which now fell upon them. He immediately rushed
with speed into the camp, calling out ÒTo arms! to arms!Ó The king was
awakened by the noise, and leaping startled from his bed, put on his
impenetrable coat of mail, and summoned his men to the rescue.
Chapter XXII. Ñ Of the marvellous bravery of the king in this never-to-be-
forgotten skirmish.
God of all virtues! lives there a man who would not be shaken by
such a sudden alarm? The enemy rush unawares, armed against unarmed,
many against few, for our men had no time to arm, or even to dress
themselves. The king himself therefore, and many others with him, on the
urgency of the moment, proceeded without their cuishes to the fight, some
even without their breeches, and they armed themselves in the best manner
they could, though they were going to fight the whole day. Whilst our men
were thus arming in haste, the Turks drew near, and the king mounted his
horse, with only ten other knights, whose names are as follows: Count
Henry, the earl of Leicester, Bartholomew de Mortimer, Ralph de Mauleon,
Andrew de Chavegui, Gerald do Finival, Roger de Sacy, William de
lÕEtang, Hugh de Villeneuve, a brave retainer, and Henry le Tyois, the
kingÕs standard-bearer. These alone had horses, and some even of those
they had were base and impotent horses, unused to arms: the common
men were skilfully drawn out in ranks and troops, with each a captain to

command them. The knights were posted nearer to the sea, having the
church of St. Nicholas on the left, because the Turks had directed their
principal attack on that quarter, and the Pisans and Genoese were posted
beyond the suburban gardens, having other troops mingled with them. O
who could fully relate the terrible attacks of the infidels? The Turks at first
rushed on with horrid yells, hurling their javelins and shooting their
arrows. Our men prepared themselves as they best could, to receive their
furious attack, each fixing his right knee in the ground, that so they might
the better hold together, and maintain their position; whilst there, the
thighs of their left legs were bent, and their left hands held their shields or
bucklers; stretched out before them in their right hands they held their
lances, of which the lower ends were fixed in the ground, and their iron
heads pointed threateningly towards the enemy. Between every two of the
men who were thus covered with their shields, the king, versed in arms,
placed an arbalester, and another behind him to stretch the arbalest as
quickly as possible, so that the man in front might discharge his shot whilst
the other was loading. This was found to be of much benefit to our men,
and did much harm to the enemy. Thus every thing was prepared as well
as the shortness of the time allowed, and our little army was drawn up in
order. The king ran along the ranks, and exhorted every man to be firm
and not to flinch. ÒCourage, my brave men,Ó said he, Òand let not the attack
of the enemy disturb you. Bear up against the frowns of fortune, and you
will rise above them. Every thing maybe borne by brave men; adversity
sheds a light upon the virtues of mankind, as certainly as prosperity casts
over them a shade; there is no room for flight, for the enemy surround us,
and to attempt to flee is to provoke certain death. Be brave, therefore, and
let the urgency of the case sharpen up your valour: brave men should
either conquer nobly, or gloriously die. Martyrdom is a boon which we
should receive with willing mind: but before we die, let us whilst still alive
do what may avenge our deaths, giving thanks to God that it has been our
lot to die martyrs. This will be the end of our labours, the termination of
our life, and of our battles.Ó These words were hardly spoken, when the
hostile army rushed with ferocity upon them, in seven troops, each of
which contained about a thousand horse. Our men received their attack

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