had purposely dismounted from their horses in order to take better aim at
our men with their darts and arrows, were slain on all sides in that charge,
for on being prostrated by the horse-soldiers they were beheaded by the
foot-men. King Richard, on seeing his army in motion and in encounter
with the Turks, flew rapidly on his horse at full speed through the
Hospitallers who had led the charge, and to whom he was bringing
assistance with all his retinue,and broke into the Turkish infantry, who
were astonished at his blows and those of his men, and gave way to the
right and to the left. Then might be seen numbers prostrated on the
ground, horses without their riders in crowds, the wounded lamenting
with groans their hard fate, and others drawing their last breath, weltering
their gore, and many lay headless, whilst their lifeless forms were
trodden under foot both by friend and foe. Oh how different are the
speculations of those who meditate amidst the columns of the cloister from
the fearful exercise of war! There the king, the fierce, the extraordinary
king, cut down the Turks in every direction, and none could escape the
force of his arm, for wherever he turned, brandishing his sword, he carved
a wide path for himself: and as he advanced
and gave repeated strokes
with his sword, cutting them down like a reaper with his sickle, the rest,
warned by the sight of the dying, gave him more ample space, for the
corpses of the dead Turks which lay on the face of the earth extended over
half a mile. In fine, the Turks were cut down, the saddles emptied of their
riders, and the dust which was raised by the conflict of the combatants,
proved very hurtful to our men, for on becoming fatigued from slaying so
many, when they were
retiring to take fresh air,they could not recognize
each other on account of the thick dust, and struck their blows
indiscriminately to the right and to the left; so that, unable to distinguish
friend from foe, they took their own men for enemies, and cut them down
without mercy. Thus the Christians pressed hard upon the Turks, the latter
gave way before them: but for a long time the battle was doubtful; they still
exchanged blows, and either party strove for the victory:
on both sides
were seen some retreating, covered with wounds, while others fell slain to
the ground. Oh, how many banners and standards of various forms,and
pennons and many-coloured ensigns, might then be seen torn and fallen to