Welcome to module 7: MedlinePlus Drugs and Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

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MedlinePlus Drugs and  

Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online

A Toolkit for Trainers

from the National Institute on Aging

In this module, you will find

•  An introduction

•  A lesson plan for the trainer

•  Handouts for students

To teach the module, you will need

•  A PC with Internet access for each student and the trainer

•  A computer projector and a screen

•  A 3-ring binder to store materials

To get started, you should

•  Read the Introduction

•  Read and print out the lesson plan and insert it in a binder

•  Print out and make copies of the handouts for students

Questions or comments about the Toolkit? Contact the National Institute on Aging

at (301) 496-1752 or e-mail



MedlinePlus Drugs and Supplements,  

Medical Encyclopedia


Module 7 – Introduction: MedlinePlus Drugs and Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Go to


To download Toolkit materials, go to www.nihseniorhealth.gov/toolkit


Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online:  

A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging

Lesson Goals

In this lesson, students will:

1. Recall the main features of the MedlinePlus Home Page.

2.  Learn how to find information on drugs on the Drugs and  

Supplements Page.

3. Learn how to find information on supplements on the Drugs and  

Supplements Page.

4. Learn how to use the Medical Encyclopedia.

5. Find answers to health questions of personal interest.

Lesson Materials

In this lesson, students will need:

•  Handout 7A: Lesson Goals

•  Handout 7B: Glossary*

•  Handout 7C: Thinking about Medical Issues

•  Handout 7D: Find Information on a Drug

•  Handout 7E: Find Information on a Supplement

•  Handout 7F: Search for Your Own Medication or Supplement

•  Handout 7G: Lesson Review with Screen Shots

•  Pens or pencils


*This glossary only includes Internet terms relevant to this lesson.  

An alphabetical list of all glossary terms introduced in the nine Toolkit 

lessons is available online at 



Lesson Length  

This lesson should last: 

Approximately 2 hours, with an optional stopping point at 60 minutes.


MODULE 7:  MedlinePlus Drugs and 

Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Module 7 – Introduction: MedlinePlus Drugs and Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Go to


To download Toolkit materials, go to www.nihseniorhealth.gov/toolkit


MODULE 7:  MedlinePlus Drugs and  

Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online:  

A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging

Before the lesson, you should:

  Read over the entire lesson plan. Also look at the Lesson Review with

Screen Shots handout to get a quick overview of what students will learn.

  Store the lesson plan in a 3-ring binder to use while teaching.

  Make copies of the handouts for students. To avoid distraction, we

recommend that you wait to distribute handouts until indicated in the lesson.

  Check out the links that you and your students will be visiting in the lesson.

When you arrive in the classroom, you should:

  Write your name and the title and level of the lesson on the board.

[Searching for Health Information Online – Lesson 7: MedlinePlus Drugs & 

Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia – Intermediate Students] 

  Make sure your computer projector and students’ computers are working and

that there is Internet access.

  Set students’ screens to the MedlinePlus home page at



You should also

  Read Quick Tips for a Senior Friendly Computer Classroom at



  Watch the short video Introducing the Toolkit at  




Module 7 – Introduction: MedlinePlus Drugs and Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Go to


To download Toolkit materials, go to www.nihseniorhealth.gov/toolkit


MODULE 7:  MedlinePlus Drugs and  

Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online:  

A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging

The senior-friendly lesson structure includes:

•  Set-up activities to prepare students for learning.

•  Core activities to teach the website features and how to navigate

to them.

•  Practice activities to let students apply web skills they have learned.

•  Reinforcement activities to summarize and reiterate the learning.

The trainer-friendly lesson plan features:

•  An easy-to-read layout. 

•  Short, well-defined segments of teaching material per page. 

•  Clearly marked, scripted transition boxes at the top of each 

page announcing the next learning point and ensuring a smooth

transition between segments.

•  Suggested teaching times for each skill.

•  Time checks and optional stopping points, offering flexibility

in total class length.

•  Helpful sidebars, providing teaching and navigation tips and

describing the purpose for activities.

•  Meaningful icons.

LESSON STRUCTURE – Senior Friendly, Trainer Friendly

Module 7 – Introduction: MedlinePlus Drugs and Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Go to


To download Toolkit materials, go to www.nihseniorhealth.gov/toolkit


MODULE 7:  MedlinePlus Drugs and  

Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online:  

A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging

About the Scripted  

Transition Boxes

This lesson plan uses a combination of script-

ed and descriptive sections. The colored,

scripted transition boxes which appear at the

top of each page of the lesson plan are de-

signed as “anchor points,” marking the end of

one part of the lesson and the start of another.

It is important to convey the content in these

transition boxes, although you may use your

own wording as you become more familiar with the material. The steps that follow each

scripted box are descriptive. Move through them according to your personal training style.

This approach is useful in maintaining lesson focus and keeping trainers and students on

track. It also makes the lesson plan easy to use.

Important Note

In the discussions of health issues that may occur during class, refrain from offering

medical advice or advocating specific treatments, physicians, hospitals, insurance plans,

etc. Also, discourage this type of activity among students. Always emphasize that students

should consult their health care providers about any medical information they may hear

about in class or find on the Internet.



Trainer demonstrates 

with computer  


Students navigate at  

their computers (with  

assistance if needed)

Indicates when a  

discussion should  

take place

LESSON STRUCTURE – Senior Friendly, Trainer Friendly

Icons Used in the Lesson Plan

Module 7 – Introduction: MedlinePlus Drugs and Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Go to


To download Toolkit materials, go to www.nihseniorhealth.gov/toolkit


MODULE 7:  MedlinePlus Drugs and  

Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online:  

A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging

To help your students grasp, apply, and retain the skills 

and information they are taught, be sure to: 

•  Proceed slowly through the lesson. Some older adults will take longer

than younger people to get the knack of using the Internet. If you move too

quickly, they may not be able to keep up. They need time to practice and to

absorb new information.

•  Circulate to make sure students are following you. Check students’

screens frequently to make sure they are not lost. If possible, arrange to

have one or more classroom assistants work with students individually

during the lesson.

•  Speak slowly and repeat information as often as necessary. Don’t

make assumptions based on students’ age. They are learning new skills, and

they will probably need to hear the information more than once to retain it.

•  Encourage questions. Pause frequently to ask if there are questions.

After soliciting questions, allow at least 10 seconds for students to

formulate them.

•  Create a senior-friendly environment. It is important to read

Quick Tips for a Senior Friendly Computer Classroom for help on

setting up the classroom to accommodate the needs of older adults.

These training techniques from the lesson can also help 

you be successful: 

•  The use of scripted transition boxes to announce each new segment

helps the class stay focused and on track.

•  Presenting material in small, well-defined steps makes it easier for

students to grasp new skills and information.

•  Frequent summarizing and hands-on practice helps students retain

what they’ve learned.

•  Handouts and printed screen shots help students understand and recall

what is taught.

•  Group discussions and short dialogues help put students at ease.


MedlinePlus Drugs and Supplements,  

Medical Encyclopedia



Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online:  

A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging

Module 7 – Lesson Plan: MedlinePlus Drugs and Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Go to


To download Toolkit materials, go to www.nihseniorhealth.gov/toolkit


Tell students the following:


  This Lesson…

•  Is intended for intermediate students.

•  Is the seventh in a series of nine lessons developed by the National

Institute on Aging to help older adults learn to find accurate online

health information on their own.


  The Medline Plus website they will visit…

•  Is sponsored by the National Library of Medicine, which is part of

the National Institutes of Health, or NIH.

•  NIH is part of the U.S. Government’s Department of Health and

Human Services.


  Please be aware that… 

•  Online health information is in no way meant to substitute for  

medical advice from a doctor.

•  In class discussions, students should not attempt to provide medical

advice to classmates, however well-intentioned it may be.


  Housekeeping Issues…

•  Class will last about __minutes with stretch break(s) lasting ___minutes.

•  Bathroom breaks can be taken anytime. Restrooms are located______.


  Ask students if they have any questions.


(5 Minutes)

“Welcome to Lesson 7: MedlinePlus Drugs and Supplements, 

Medical Encyclopedia. My name is _________. (This is our

classroom assistant_________.) Before we start the class, I’d like

to review a few general points.”


Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online:  

A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging

Module 7 – Lesson Plan: MedlinePlus Drugs and Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Go to


To download Toolkit materials, go to www.nihseniorhealth.gov/toolkit


“Before we get started, let’s introduce ourselves.”


(3 Minutes)


 Introduce yourself, giving your name and your experience teaching computers

and the Internet. If you have a classroom assistant or peer coach, introduce

that person.


 Ask students to give their names and tell whether they are at a beginning,

intermediate, or advanced level with regard to their Internet experience.


 If time permits, ask each student to tell something about his or her

background (family, work, travels, education…), why they decided to

take this class, and what they hope to learn.

Purpose of Activity

•  Introductions help students feel more at ease.

•  Sharing computer or Internet experience may help the class be patient with less experienced

students who need more time with an activity.


Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online:  

A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging

Module 7 – Lesson Plan: MedlinePlus Drugs and Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Go to


To download Toolkit materials, go to www.nihseniorhealth.gov/toolkit



(3 Minutes)

“Let’s talk for a moment about how the class will proceed. You will

be learning new ways to use technology, and in order for everyone

to be successful, here are some things we need to do.”

Tell students the following:


  To make sure everyone grasps the information and learns the skills…

•  We will proceed in a step-by-step manner and at a slow-to-moderate pace.

•  I (or my assistant) will circulate frequently during class to make sure

everyone is keeping up with the lesson.

•  There will be plenty of hands-on practice activities to let you apply the

skills that you learn.

•  There will be plenty of handouts to help you learn the skills while in class

and to use as a reference once you leave class.


  As students, you should… 

•  Feel free to raise your hand and ask a question if you do not understand


•  Feel free to ask me to repeat anything I’ve said.

•  Not worry about hurting the equipment because it is very sturdy.

•  Not worry about making mistakes because that is to be expected when

learning a new technology.

•  Have a binder or folder to store the handouts you will receive.


  Ask students if they have any questions about class procedures. 

Purpose of Activity

To communicate expectations, put students at ease, and facilitate learning.


Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online:  

A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging

Module 7 – Lesson Plan: MedlinePlus Drugs and Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Go to


To download Toolkit materials, go to www.nihseniorhealth.gov/toolkit


“Let’s go over the homework assignment from the last lesson.”


(5 Minutes)


 Restate the take-home assignment from Module 6.

•  Finding out about back pain


 Ask students to share the results of their take-home

assignments with the class.


 Ask students to share any questions about navigating the

MedlinePlus website or finding the information they were

searching for. Respond to their questions.

Purpose of Activity

•  Let’s you see how well students understood the previous lesson.

•  Serves as a kind of icebreaker, promoting interactivity and discussion early in the class.

•  Let’s you see what you might need to emphasize in the first parts of this lesson.


•  This activity assumes use of the previous module. If you did not teach that module, you can

skip this activity.


Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online:  

A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging

Module 7 – Lesson Plan: MedlinePlus Drugs and Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Go to


To download Toolkit materials, go to www.nihseniorhealth.gov/toolkit



(2 Minutes)

“This lesson will introduce you to the Drugs and Supplements 

section and the Medical Encyclopedia of MedlinePlus, a website

that is a source of health information for the general public. The

website was developed by the National Library of Medicine, part of

the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.”

Pass out 

Handout 7A: Lesson Goals



 Go over the handout with students.

Purpose of Activity

•  Focuses students on what they will learn.

•  Introduces goals that you can return to throughout the lesson.

Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online:  

A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging

Module 7 – Lesson Plan: MedlinePlus Drugs and Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Go to


To download Toolkit materials, go to www.nihseniorhealth.gov/toolkit



(5 Minutes)

“Before we actually get into the heart of the lesson, let’s review a

few basic Internet terms.”

Pass out 

Handout 7B: Glossary


 Knowing the meaning of these

Internet terms will help students

understand the lesson. All of these

terms have been introduced in

previous lessons, but going over

them again may help students recall

their meaning.


 You may want to demonstrate

the terms for students from your

computer projector.

Tips for Glossary Review

•  Refer students to the page and item number of the term.

•  Make sure students locate the term.

•  Read, or have a student read, the definition aloud. Point out details in the illustration or on

your computer screen.

•  Tell students they will understand these terms better as they use them in the lesson.


back arrow   



link (or hyperlink)




  scroll bar 




Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online:  

A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging

Module 7 – Lesson Plan: MedlinePlus Drugs and Supplements, Medical Encyclopedia

Go to


To download Toolkit materials, go to www.nihseniorhealth.gov/toolkit


Purpose of Activity Purpose of Activity

•  Engages students by focusing them on a health issue of personal interest.

•  Prepares students for the Independent Practice Activity.


(5 Minutes)

“Before we look more deeply at the website, Id’ like to have you jot

down some information.”

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