The Fault in Our Stars

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that cannot be seduced? she’d written.
Lidewij drove us back to the Filosoof. Outside the hotel, it was drizzling and Augustus
and I stood on the brick sidewalk slowly getting wet.
Augustus: “You probably need some rest.”
Me: “I’m okay.”
Augustus: “Okay.” (Pause.) “What are you thinking about?”
Me: “You.”
Augustus: “What about me?”
Me: “‘I do not know which to prefer, / The beauty of inflections / Or the beauty of
innuendos, / The blackbird whistling / Or just after.’”

Augustus: “God, you are sexy.”
Me: “We could go to your room.”
Augustus: “I’ve heard worse ideas.”
We squeezed into the tiny elevator together. Every surface, including the floor, was
mirrored. We had to pull the door to shut ourselves in and then the old thing creaked
slowly up to the second floor. I was tired and sweaty and worried that I generally looked
and smelled gross, but even so I kissed him in that elevator, and then he pulled away and
pointed at the mirror and said, “Look, infinite Hazels.”
“Some infinities are larger than other infinities,” I drawled, mimicking Van Houten.
“What an assclown,” Augustus said, and it took all that time and more just to get us
to the second floor. Finally the elevator lurched to a halt, and he pushed the mirrored door
open. When it was half open, he winced in pain and lost his grip on the door for a second.
“You okay?” I asked.
After a second, he said, “Yeah, yeah, door’s just heavy, I guess.” He pushed again
and got it open. He let me walk out first, of course, but then I didn’t know which direction
to walk down the hallway, and so I just stood there outside the elevator and he stood there,
too, his face still contorted, and I said again, “Okay?”
“Just out of shape, Hazel Grace. All is well.”
We were just standing there in the hallway, and he wasn’t leading the way to his room
or anything, and I didn’t know where his room was, and as the stalemate continued, I
became convinced he was trying to figure out a way not to hook up with me, that I never
should have suggested the idea in the first place, that it was unladylike and therefore had
disgusted Augustus Waters, who was standing there looking at me unblinking, trying to
think of a way to extricate himself from the situation politely. And then, after forever, he
said, “It’s above my knee and it just tapers a little and then it’s just skin. There’s a nasty
scar, but it just looks like—”
“What?” I asked.
“My leg,” he said. “Just so you’re prepared in case, I mean, in case you see it or what
“Oh, get over yourself,” I said, and took the two steps I needed to get to him. I kissed
him, hard, pressing him against the wall, and I kept kissing him as he fumbled for the
room key.
We crawled into the bed, my freedom circumscribed some by the oxygen, but even so I
could get on top of him and take his shirt off and taste the sweat on the skin below his
collarbone as I whispered into his skin, “I love you, Augustus Waters,” his body relaxing
beneath mine as he heard me say it. He reached down and tried to pull my shirt off, but it
got tangled in the tube. I laughed.

* * *
“How do you do this every day?” he asked as I disentangled my shirt from the tubes.
Idiotically, it occurred to me that my pink underwear didn’t match my purple bra, as if
boys even notice such things. I crawled under the covers and kicked out of my jeans and
socks and then watched the comforter dance as beneath it, Augustus removed first his
jeans and then his leg.
* * *
We were lying on our backs next to each other, everything hidden by the covers, and after
a second I reached over for his thigh and let my hand trail downward to the stump, the
thick scarred skin. I held the stump for a second. He flinched. “It hurts?” I asked.
“No,” he said.
He flipped himself onto his side and kissed me. “You’re so hot,” I said, my hand still
on his leg.
“I’m starting to think you have an amputee fetish,” he answered, still kissing me. I
“I have an Augustus Waters fetish,” I explained.
The whole affair was the precise opposite of what I figured it would be: slow and patient
and quiet and neither particularly painful nor particularly ecstatic. There were a lot of
condomy problems that I did not get a particularly good look at. No headboards were
broken. No screaming. Honestly, it was probably the longest time we’d ever spent together
without talking.
Only one thing followed type: Afterward, when I had my face resting against
Augustus’s chest, listening to his heart pound, Augustus said, “Hazel Grace, I literally
cannot keep my eyes open.”
“Misuse of literality,” I said.
“No,” he said. “So. Tired.”
His face turned away from me, my ear pressed to his chest, listening to his lungs
settle into the rhythm of sleep. After a while, I got up, dressed, found the Hotel Filosoof
stationery, and wrote him a love letter:
Dearest Augustus,

Hazel Grace

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