Number of awards anticipated: 10
Award amounts: awards may range from a minimum of $5,000 to a maximum of $15,000
Type of Funding: Fiscal Year 2022
Public Diplomacy Funding
Anticipated program start date: July 30, 2022, for applications submitted by the May deadline;
September 15, 2022 for applications submitted by the July deadline.
This notice is subject to availability of funding.
The Public Affairs Section reserves the right to award less or more than
the funds described under
circumstances deemed to be in the best interest of the U.S. government,
pending the availability of
funds and approval of the designated grants officer.
Authorizing legislation, type, and year of funding:
This program will be funded under the appropriate Public Diplomacy authorization. All
programming is subject to the statutory limitations of the funding determined.
Funding Instrument Type: Grant, or Cooperative Agreement.
Cooperative Agreements are
different from grants in that PAS staff are more actively involved in the project execution and
anticipate having moderate to substantial involvement once the award has been made.
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