publishing in general science journals. Finally, I am grateful to Amy
Damon, Christine Moser, and Aine Seitz McCarthy,
all of whom offered
their much-needed perspectives on finding funding (chapter 5) and advising
students (chapter 7). This latter chapter also benefited from Lindsey
Novak’s insights.
I wish to thank Emily Taber, my editor at MIT Press,
for making the
process of writing my first book easy, and the two anonymous reviewers
she chose to review the proposal for this book as well as the first full draft
for their constructive comments and sharp insights about how to make the
book appealing to a broader audience. I am also very grateful to Chad
Zimmerman at a competing press, who came up with the title for this book,
and who graciously let me use it.
Finally, I am grateful to my wife Janet and my daughter Sophia, who put
up with my having to miss many daycare drop-offs and weekend activities
because I was working on this book. I love you both (and the dogs) more
than words can express.
Sub umbra alarum tuarum, יהוה