Q194. What would you like to know if you could learn one thing
about the future?
A. Sample Answer
The one thing I’ve always wanted to know about the future is if I will eventually become rich. I
don’t want to learn about my death, or who I’ll marry, because those things are a natural part of life.
By learning about the fact that I will be rich or not, it will help me to accept my fate in the financial
world at an earlier time. Then, I could set realistic goals of my own financial status now, because I
know that eventually, I will come into a great deal of money, or not. This futuristic knowledge would
come into great use, especially when buying a house, paying for college, or investing in some stocks.
I could know to put a little or a lot aside, because I would know how much money I’ll need to live in
the future. Also, it will alleviate some of the burdens I have now.
One of my biggest I have is
worrying about how to support my family. If I know that I will be financially secure in the future, I’ll
be more comfortable and my mind will be more at ease with raising
my children in a good living
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