Phrasal verbs
1.cut off (completely remove by cutting! - qirqmoq, kemoq, qirqib (kesib) olmoq
(tashlamoq. tushirmoq), kallaklamoq, butamoq up (button/zip up a piece of clothing]
– tugmalarni o'tkazmoq, qadamoq,
3.fill up [make sth completely full] -to'ldirmoq, to'latmoq, to'lg'izmoq; to'ldirib
solmoq (quymoq, qo'ymoq)
4.have on [wear (a piece of clothing)] - biror kiyimda bo'lmoq, egnida bo'lmoq
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5.leave out [not include] - tushirib qoldirmoq, qoldirib (tashlab) ketmoq
6.put on [start wearing (a piece ofjclqthing)] --kiymoq; kiyib olmoq
7.take off [remove (a piece pf clothing)] -yechmoq, yechib qo'ymoq
8.try on [put on (a piece bfclothihlfto see how it looks and if it fits] - kiyib
Prepositional phrases
1. at the back (of)'- n igorqasida (orqa tomonida) the end (of) ...ning oxirida (yakunida) fashion/style'
— modada, urf-odat bo'lgan front (of) - (...ning) to'g'risida (ro'parasida, qarshisida) the corner (of) - (...ning) burchagida
6.out of fashion/style-modadan chiqqan, urf-odatdan chiqqan
Word formation
1. art (n)-san'at
2. artist (n)- rassom
3. artistic (adj) - san'atga oid; badiiy
4. break [broke, broken] (v) - sindirmoq
5. (un)breakable (adj) - sinadigan, mo'rt, sinuvchan
6. compose (v)-bastalamoq
7. composition (n)-ijod, asar
8. composer (n) - bastakor
9. exhibit (v) - ko'rgazmaga (vistavkaga) qo'ymoq
10. exhibition (n) - ko'rgazma (adj) - ozod, erkin, mustaqil; bo'sh; tekin
12.freedom (n) - ozodiik
13.hand (n)-qo'l
14.handful (adj)-hovuch, siqim; bir hovuch, bir nechtagina.
15.handle (n) - dasta, tutqich, sop, ruchka, band
16. imagine (v) - tasavvur qilmoq, ko'z oldiga kelt irmoq
17.imagination (n)-xayol, o'y, faraz, tasavvur,fantaziya
18.imaginative (adj) - ifodali, jonlim ta'sirli, ta'sirchan,obrazli
19.intelligent (adj) - fahmi (zehni) o'tkir, fahmli,idrokli, tez tushunadigan
20.intelligence (n) - intellekt, aql, idrok, zakovat
21.perfect (adj) - ideal, bekamu-ko'st, benuqson,barkamol, ko'ngildagidek
22.perfection (n)-kamol, kamolot, barkamollik,mukammallik, bekam-ko'stlik,
23.imperfect (adj) - mukammakl (barkamol, yetuk) emas, kami-ko'sti bor, chala,
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