HELPFUL HINTS Hints for Test Day Eat a healthy breakfast
Drink water.
Arrive at least half an
before the test starts
so you can remain calm.
Make sure you know
when and where
your speaking test is.
Don't panic.
Panic makes you lose concentration.
Make sure you know your candidate number.
Listen carefully to all the instructions.
If the room is too noisy, tell the teacher.
If you can't hear the tape clearly
in the listening test,
tell the teacher.
During the break between the
reading and writing tests,
leave the room, have a drink of
water and walk around.
Hints for the Listening Test Questions Hints What
if I can't hear
You should tell the
the tape very well?
teacher immediately.
Write them in the question
Where do I write
booklet. At the end of the
my answers?
test transfer your answers
to the answer sheet.
Yes. Don't wait till the end
Should I answer the
of the section because you'll
questions as I listen?
forget the answers.
What if I miss
Don't panic. Keep going.
a question?
You may have a chance
to go back to do it later.
Can I look at
There's time before each
the questions
section for you to look
before hear the
ahead at the questions .
Is there
There's time to check your
time to check my
answers at the end of each
section and at the end of the
whole test.
Hints for the Reading Test Questions Hints Can I write the
answers in the
question booklet?
How can
use time