Gender, Sexuality, and Difference
a male, the modere kepis it seven yere and than sendes it to the fadere. And
if scho bere a mayden childe, the moder haldes it with hir and teches it oure
“When we goo to werre agayne youre enemys,
we ere one hundred
thousand rydand one horse wele armede. And sum of us hase bowes and
arowes, and sum speres, and other diverse wapyne. And the remanent kepeth
oure ile. And when we come wit the victorye, oure husbandes does us grete
“And thare-fore if thou come agaynes us, we late the witt that we will
feghte wit the at all oure myghte. And if it happen that thou hafe the
victory of us, wirchipe sall it nane be to the bi-cause thou hase discomfit
women. And if we discomfit the, it sall be an heghe wirchippe till us that
we may discomfit so wirchipfull an emperour, and to the it sall be a hye
Where-fore, we sygnifie un-to the by oure lettres that thou come
noghte agaynes us for sekerly thare may grete dysese come thare-offe, that
peraventure thou knaweth noghte now offe at this tymme.”
When Alexander hadd redd this lettre, he began to lawghe. And onane
he garte
writte another lettre and sent it to Talyfride, whare-offe the
tenour was this: “Alexander, kyng of kynges and of lordes, the son of Godd
Amon and the Qwene Olympias, to Talyfride, quene of Amazon, and the
other ladys of the same rewme: joy. We late yow
weite that thre parties of
the werld – that es to say, Asye, Affric, and Europe – we hafe conquered
and made subjects un-till us, and thare was never nane of tham that myghte
agaynstande oure powere. And if we now suld noghte be of powere to
feghte with yowe, it ware ane heghe schame till us. Never-the-lesse, for als
mekill als we lufe your conversacion, we consell that ye co[m]e forthe of
ile and your husbondes wit yow, and appere in oure presence. For
we swere yow bi God Amon oure Fader and by all oure goddes, that ye sall
hafe na disesse of us. Bot gyffeth us sumwhat in name of tribute, and we
schall fynd yow and youre Amazonns that come wit yow horse ynowe. And
when you listees for to wende hame agayne, ye schall hafe gude leve.”
And when the Amazons hadd redd this lettre, thay went to consell and
thoghte it was beste for to ascent un-till hym. And than thay sent hym ten
stedes, the beste that myghte be funden in any cuntree, and ten other
the beste that myghte be geten, and a grete sum of golde. And
Talifride hir selfe and other ladys wit hir went un-till hym and accorded wit
hym, and went hame agayne wonder glade and blythe.