and with grete peyne cam they oute ageyne and took the hyghe weye. They
made clene their hosen and gownes with theyr knyves the best they couthe.
So long they were in wasshyng of their hoses and gownes that they myght
not come to the begynnyng of the dyner. Every one demaunded and asked
after them, but no body couth tell of them. At the last they cam as the fyrst
mes or cours was eten, and after they had taken their refection and wel
dronken, they beganne to telle and recounte how they were falle in the
myre unto the knees to. “Ye,” said thenne a good auncyent and wyse lady
that was come by the hyghe weye. “Ye wend to take the shortest way to
thende ye myght be the sonner and fyrst at the place and wold not folowe
us. Hit is wel bestowed. For I telle yow for certayne that some wene to
avaunce them self that hyndreth them, and suche one is that weneth to be
the first and formest that ofte fyndeth her the last of all.” She gaf them
these two notables to thende they shold know their faute. For as saith the
said holy man, “Thus is hit of this worlde. They that first may have noveltees
of the world wene to doo wel and be therfore enhaunced and tofore other
ben holden and wysshed, but as for one that holdeth hit wel done, ther ben
ten that m[o]ken of hit. For suche one preyseth their doynge before them
that behynde their back putteth out his tonge, scorynynge and mockyn
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