65 A WHO guide for planners, implementers and managers
Annex 3 Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly resolution WHA69.24 on Strengthening integrated, people-centred health services 28 May 2016
The Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly,
Having considered the follow-up of the report on the framework on integrated, people-centred health
Acknowledging Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at
all ages) including target 3.8, which addresses achieving universal health coverage, including financial
risk protection, access to quality essential health care services, and access to safe, effective, quality and
affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all;
Recalling resolution WHA64.9 (2011) on sustainable health financing structures and universal coverage,
which urged Member States to continue investing in and strengthening health-delivery systems, in particular
primary health care and services, and adequate human resources for health and health information systems,
in order to ensure that all citizens have equitable access to health care and services;
Reaffirming resolution WHA62.12 (2009) on primary health care, including health system strengthening,
which requested the Director-General to prepare implementation plans for four broad policy directions,
including putting people at the centre of service delivery, and also reaffirming the need to continue to
prioritize progress on the implementation plans on the other three broad policy directions included in
resolution WHA62.12: (1) dealing with inequalities by moving towards universal coverage; (2) multisectoral
action and health in all policies; and (3) inclusive leadership and effective governors for health;
Recalling resolution WHA63.16 (2010) on the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment
of Health Personnel and its recognition that an adequate and accessible health workforce is fundamental
to an integrated and effective health system, and to the provision of health services;
Recalling also resolution WHA64.7 (2011) on strengthening nursing and midwifery, which emphasized the
implementation of strategies for enhancement of interprofessional education and collaborative practice as
part of people-centred care, and resolution WHA66.23 (2013) on transforming health workforce education
in support of universal health coverage;
Reaffirming resolution WHA60.27 (2007) on strengthening health information systems, which acknowledged
that sound information is critical in framing evidence-based health policy and making decisions, and
fundamental for monitoring progress towards internationally agreed health-related development goals;
Recalling resolution WHA67.20 (2014) on regulatory system strengthening for medical products, resolution
WHA67.21 (2014) on access to biotherapeutic products, including similar biotherapeutic products, and
ensuring their quality, safety and efficacy, resolution WHA67.22 (2014) on access to essential medicines,
resolution WHA67.23 (2014) on health intervention and technology assessment in support of universal
health coverage and resolution WHA67.18 (2014) on traditional medicine,
1. Adopts the framework on integrated, people-centred health services;