Exercise: Once you create the data entry format, use the CHECK module to customize your entry for
some of the data values.
Analyzing Data • ANALYSIS produces lists, frequencies, tables (cross tabulations), statistics and
Research methodology
• Move the cursor to "ANALYSIS of data" and press the Enter key.
• Use the "READ" command to choose a dataset.
Example: Read birthwet.rec • Once
.Rec file is retrieved, you can perform the tasks explained above.
Example freq age
freq sex
tables age sex
List sex
Update age sex etc.
• If you press the function key "F2”, you will see the various "commands" that perform
different tasks.
• If you press the function key "F3”, you will see the list of “variables" that you have
created using the EPED program.
• If
press the function key "F5", your output will go to the printer. If you press it again, the output will go to the screen.
These commands are very important in facilitating the analysis of
• DEFINE allows creation of new variables for use in analysis.
• Variable names in the DEFINE statement must be 10 or fewer characters.
• Variable names do not begin with a number.
Example :
DEFINE age1 ## (a newly created variable)
Research methodology
This could be used in a RECODE statement to provide labels for a numerically coded age
• The RECODE command is used to form several categories (groups).