s i z l i d e r s i z . u z
С H e bought a large car.
D H e took his first holiday.
4 . W h o chooses the foods on the menu now?
A P h ilip
В P h ilip ’s wife
D custom ers
5. W h a t is P h ilip ’s plan for the next year?
A open a new restaurant
grow vegetables
С learn to cook new foods
D take a holiday
E xercise 4 4 * * *
1. W h y was the girl crying?
A She lost her father.
В She had a bad dream.
С She collided with sofa.
D She lost her coin.
2 . W h a t did father do for the girl to stop crying?
A H e offered her some money.
В H e helped her to find the lost thing.
С H e explained that money is not important.
D H e gave the girl his telephone to play.
3. W h a t is more im portant than money for father?
A love
В coin
D friends
4 . W h y did father organize a party?
A to make his girl happy
В to celebrate
the winning in a lottery
С to celebrate his daughter’s birthday
D to see his old friends
5. W h a t was the girl doing at th e window?
calling her friends
В watching birds
С throwing money outside
trying to close the window
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