JACQUELINE KOPICKI is a senior at University Liggett School and plans to
attend Miami University in Ohio. Her advice:
I put everything in my calendar on my phone, and I color code my activities and appointments. For example, I will code athletics one color, the school musical practices another color and my assignments another color. I think setting your own priorities and figuring out what is most important helps you manage your time and stay focused. For me, school comes first, so I make it a priority to finish my homework and talk to my teachers about all of my school-related issues before anything else. At the school, the most important thing is to have a close relationship with your teachers and other students who are focused. This helps you gain the mindset to work on your schoolwork first before you tackle anything else. GRACE LEBRON attends Eastlake High School. Her advice:
I think about my future constantly and it's what keeps me in line. I know I want to lead a happy, successful life and that getting my work done and being the best I can be in my educational environment is a step in the right direction. Saying No to Friends: You really need to prioritize and consider everything that's going on. If you know you have tests coming up you're not prepared for or have unfinished assignments due the next day, going to the movies shouldn't be at the top of your list. Resisting Social Media: Personally I set mini goals and checking social media is kind of like I'm rewarding myself. For example I'd tell myself that when I finish two assignments I can check one social media. It's worked out pretty well for me. Time Management: If it's important, then you'll find time for it. School is important to me so I make time to have all school related things in order before anything else. Lacrosse and field hockey are important to me so I make time to put in the necessary work for that as well. Family is also very important so I always make time to be with them and help around the house.
We teenagers do need some downtime though so no matter what, ALWAYS carve out time to enjoy a hobby or just relax. It'll keep you from going crazy.