In order to be able to read like this comfortably,
you must practice
reading in the foreign language for hours every single day. It takes a
massive volume of text before your brain stops intensively reading and
shifts into extensive reading.
This book hopes to provide a few short stories in English you can use
to practice extensive reading. These stories were written for both beginner
and intermediate students in mind, so they should be a little easier to digest
compared to native English. While it's no substitute
for the benefits of
reading native English, we hope these stories help build confidence in your
reading comprehension skills overall. They offer supplementary reading
practice with a heavy focus on teaching vocabulary words.
Vocabulary is the number one barrier to entry to extensive reading.
Without an active vocabulary base of 10,000 words or more, you'll be stuck
constantly looking up words in the dictionary,
which will be sure to slow
down your reading. To speed up the rate at which you read, building and
maintaining a vast vocabulary range is absolutely vital. This is why it's so
important to invest as much time as possible into immersing yourself in
native English every single day. This includes both reading and listening.
We hope you enjoy the book and find it useful
in growing your English
vocabulary and bringing you a few steps closer to extensive reading and
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