Carriage and other services provided by the carrier are subject to conditions of carriage, which are hereby incorporated by reference. These conditions may be
obtained from the issuing carrier. The itinerary/receipt constitutes the passenger ticket for the purposes of article 3 of the Warsaw convention, except where the
carrier delivers to the passenger another document complying with the requirements of article 3. Passengers on a journey involving an ultimate destination or a
stop in a country other than the country of departure are advised that international treaties known as the montreal convention, or its predecessor, the warsaw
convention, including its amendments (the warsaw convention system), may apply to the entire journey, including any portion thereof within a country. For such
passengers, the applicable treaty, including special contracts of carriage embodied in any applicable tariffs, governs and may limit the liability of the carrier. These
conventions govern and may limit the liability of air carriers for death or bodily injury or loss of or damage to baggage, and for delay.
Tashuvchi tomonidan taqdim etiladigan tashuv va boshqa xizmatlar bu yerga havola orqali kiritilgan tashuv shartnomasining shartlariga bo
‘ysunadi. Bu shartlar chiptani
rasmiylashtirgan tashuvchi tomonidan taqdim etilishi mumkin. Yo
‘nalish kvitansiyasi Varshava konvensiyasining 3-moddasi qoidalariga muvofiq aniqlangan yo‘lovchi chiptasi
‘lib, tashuvchi yo‘lovchiga 3-modda talablariga javob beradigan boshqa hujjatni bergan holatlar bundan mustasno. Xalqaro yo‘nalishlar bo‘ylab sayohat qilayotgan yo‘lovchilar,
Monreal konventsiyasi yoki undan oldingi Varshava konventsiyasi (unga kiritilgan o
‘zgartirishlar) deb nomlangan xalqaro shartnomalar, barcha xalqaro sayohatga, shu jumladan,
chiqish mamlakatidagi har qanday qismini o
‘z ichiga oladi. Bunday yo‘lovchilar uchun, har qanday qo‘llaniladigan tariflarga kiritilgan maxsus shartlarni o‘z ichiga olgan, tashuv
shartnomasi shartlari, o
‘lim yoki jismoniy shikastlanish, yuk yo‘qolishi yoki shikastlanishi, shuningdek kechikishi uchun tashuvchining javobgarligini tartibga solishi va cheklanishi
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