Pesticide-Induced Diseases Database
Studies Link Range of Major Diseases to Pesticides
Washington, DC, August 18, 2010 – Links to pesticide exposure are being
found in a growing number of studies that evaluate the causes of preventable
diseases --including asthma, autism and learning disabilities, birth defects
and reproductive dysfunction, diabetes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
diseases, and several types of cancer. A new database, released today,
tracks published epidemiologic and real world exposure studies. The studies
challenge the effectiveness of risk-assessment-based regulation which is
intended to manage adverse disease outcomes, but is criticized for allowing
the uses of chemicals that can be replaced by green technologies and
To capture the range of diseases linked to pesticides through epidemiologic
studies, the national environmental and public health group Beyond
Pesticides launched in the summer issue of its newsletter, Pesticides and
You, the
Pesticide-Induced Diseases Database
to track the studies. “A read
through the scientific literature on pesticides and major preventable diseases afflicting us in the 21st century
suggests that one of the first responses called for is an all out effort to stop using toxic pesticides,” said Jay
Feldman, executive director of Beyond Pesticides. The database begins an ongoing effort by Beyond
Pesticides to maintain this comprehensive database of the studies that the group says “supports an urgent
need to shift to toxic-free practices and policies.”
The group is calling for alternatives assessment in environmental rulemaking that creates a regulatory trigger
to adopt alternatives and drive the market to go green.” Under risk assessment, we constantly play with
‘mitigation measures’ that the Pesticide-Induced Diseases Database tells us over and over is a failed human
experiment,” said Mr. Feldman.
The alternatives assessment approach differs most dramatically from risk assessment in rejecting uses and
exposures deemed acceptable under risk assessment calculations, but unnecessary because of the
availability of safer alternatives. For example, in agriculture, where the database shows clear links to pesticide
use and multiple types of cancer, it would no longer be possible to use hazardous pesticides, as it is with risk
assessment-based policy, when there are clearly effective organic systems with competitive yields that, in fact,
outperform chemical-intensive agriculture in drought years. This same analysis can be applied to home and
garden use of pesticides where households using pesticides suffer elevated rates of cancer.
Earlier this year Beyond Pesticides released its
Organic Food: Eating with a Conscience
guide that explains
how foods grown with hazardous chemicals contaminate water and air, hurt biodiversity, harm farm workers,
and kill bees, birds, fish and other wildlife even though the finished commodities, often referred to as “clean,”
may have minimal or non-detectable residues.
The Pesticide-Induced Diseases Database, which currently contains 383 entries of epidemiologic and
laboratory exposure studies, will be continually updated to track the emerging findings and trends.
View the
database here
Pesticide-Induced Diseases Database
View the new
Pesticide-Induced Diseases Database
( Do you know of studies that you think should
be added to the database?
Please send them to us
Beyond Pesticides - 202-543-5450 -