3. Dual Use Package: It is also known as reuse package. It refers to package that could be reused after its contents are fully consumed. For example, glass jars, plastic containers and cotton bags.
4. Multiple Packages: The method of placing several units in one container is known as multiple packaging. For example, Baby’s care set, cosmetics and perfumes set.
5. Bulk Package: Bulk package is useful for supplying the product to the industrial consumers in large quantities. Similarly, bulk package is used for loose dispensing by the dealers.
Conclusion In conclusion the product as an element of the marketing mix represents the primary mechanism through which a value is provided to the consumer. If we add the fact that it is precise decisions related to product design that determine the types of resources, production processes, and the nature and type of future flows of waste, it is clear that product policy management is a key issue to sustainable marketing strategy. The purpose of the present study is to analyse and discuss the key elements and prerequisites of green products and the issues in green product policy management with the goal of contributing to sustainable marketing strategy effectiveness. Marketing managers in the modern marketing environment must consider all of these issues because in the near future embedding the elements of sustainability into business processes will no longer represent the source of competitive advantage, but the precondition of competitive parity on the global market.
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