Plan: Muscular system The muscle groups and their actions Hand muscular system

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muscular system

The wrist

muscles of the forearm; human muscle system
Wrist flexion refers to movement of the wrist that draws the palm of the hand downward. That action is carried out by the flexor carpi radialis, the flexor carpi ulnaris, the flexor digitorum superficialis, the flexor digitorum profundus, and the flexor pollicis longus.
Wrist extension, by contrast, shortens the angle at the back of the wrist. The muscles responsible for that action are the extensor carpi radialis longus and the extensor carpi radialis brevis, which also abduct the hand at the wrist (move the hand in the direction of the thumb, or first digit); the extensor digitorum, which also extends the index to little finger (the second to fifth digits); the extensor digiti minimi, which also extends the little finger and adducts the hand (moves the hand in the direction of the little finger); and the extensor carpi ulnaris, which also adducts the hand. Other small muscles that cross the wrist joint may add to wrist extension, but they do so to only a small degree.
Wrist supination is the rotation of the wrist that brings the palm facing up. The supinator muscle in the posterior compartment acts to supinate the forearm. The biceps brachii also adds to supination. Pronation is the opposing action, in which the wrist is rotated so that the palm is facing down. The pronator quadratus, a deep muscle in the anterior compartment, along with the pronator teres, pronates the forearm.

The hand

The hand is a complex structure that is involved in fine motor coordination and complex task performance. Its muscles generally are small and extensively innervated. Even simple actions, such as typing on a keyboard, require a multitude of precise movements to be carried out by the hand muscles. Because of that complexity, the following paragraphs cover only the primary action of each hand muscle.
Several muscles that originate at the posterior surface of the ulna or the radius (the other bone in the forearm) have their actions in the hand. Those include the abductor pollicis longus, which abducts and extends the thumb; the extensor pollicis brevis, which extends the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint of the thumb; the extensor pollicis, which extends the distal phalanx (finger bone) of the thumb; and the extensor indicis, which extends the index finger at the MCP joint. (MCP joints are located between the metacarpal bones, which are situated in the hand, and the phalanges, which are the small bones of the fingers.)
Although several of the muscles that move the hand have their origins in the forearm, there are many small muscles of the hand that have both their origin and their insertion within the hand. Those are referred to as the intrinsic muscles of the hand. They include the palmaris brevis, which assists with grip; the umbricals, which flex the MCP joints and extend the interphalangeal joints (IPs; the joints between the phalanges) of the fingers; the palmar interossei, which adduct the fingers toward the middle finger (the third digit); and the dorsal interossei, which abduct the fingers away from the middle finger. All the interossei flex the MCP joints and extend the IP joints.
The thenar eminence is located on the palm side of the base of the thumb and is composed of three muscles, the abductor pollicis brevis, the flexor pollicis brevis, and the opponens pollicis, all of which are innervated by the median nerve. The abductor pollicis brevis abducts the thumb; the flexor pollicis brevis flexes the MCP joint of the thumb; and the opponens pollicis acts to oppose the thumb to the other fingers. The adductor pollicis, which is not part of the thenar eminence, acts to adduct the thumb.
The hypothenar enimence is located on the palm side of the hand below the little finger. It contains three muscles that are innervated by the deep branch of the ulnar nerve. The abductor digiti minimi abducts the little finger. The flexor digiti minimi flexes the little finger. The opponens digiti minimi opposes the little finger with the thumb.

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