Prehistoric period
Modal verbs need\should
The last great wilderness
A lot of people think that Scotland is a part of England but this is untrue.
Scotland is in fact a part of Great Britain. It is governed from London but in
many ways it is separate nation. It has its own capital city Edinburgh its own
laws and its own stamps. It even has its own language Gaelic spoken now by
only a few people in the islands.
There are only about ve million Scots
and most of them live in the
southern half of the country called the “Lowlands” where the major cities are
But most holiday visitors to Scotland go to the Highlands because of the
high mountains and deep valleys clean rivers and cold “lochs”.
The Highlands are home to many rare birds and animals like the golden
eagle and the wildcat which are found nowhere else in Britain. It is a lonely
wild and empty land.
Only two per cent of the British population live there
and the population is getting smaller all the time. There is very little work so
most of the young people who are born there have to move south to nd a
job. Perhaps the Highlands of Scotland will become the last great wilderness
of Europe.
"Should" modal fe'li maslahat berish yoki o'z
krini bildirish uchun
ishlatiladi va o'zbek tiliga "kerak / yaxshi bo'la(r)di" deya tarjima
• You look tired. You should go to bed. - Charchaganga o'xshaysiz. Yotsangiz
yaxshi bo'lardi.
• The government should do more to reduce crime!
- Hukumat jinoyatni
kamaytirish uchun ko'proq ishlarni amalga oshirishi kerak.
• "Should we invite Husan to the party?' 'Yes, I think we should.' - 'Husanni
bazmga taklif qilishimiz kerakmi?' 'Ha, menimcha, taklif qilsak yaxshi bo'ladi.
• Should' ko'pincha 'I think / I don't think / Do you think ... ?' iboralaridan
keyin ishlatiladi:
• I think the government should do more to reduce crime. - Menimcha,
hukumat jinoyatni kamaytirish uchun ko'proq ishlarni amalga oshirsa yaxshi
I don't think you should work so hard.
- Men siz bunchalik qattiq
ishlashingiz kerak deb o'ylamayman.
• 'Do you think I should apply for this job?' 'Yes, I think you should.' -
'Sizningcha men shu ishga hujjat topshirsam yaxshi bo'larmikan?'
menimcha topshirsang yaxshi bo'ladi.'
'Shouldn't do something' - biror ishni qilmasa yaxshi bo`lar edi / qilmaslik
kerak / biror ishni qilish yaxshi emas:
• You shouldn't believe everything you read in the newspapers.
- Sening
gazetadan o'qigan hamma narsaga ishonaverishing yaxshi emas / o'qigan
barcha narsaga ishonmasliging kerak.
'Should' modal fe'li 'must' va 'have to' kabi kuchli majburiyat mazmunini
• You should apologise. - Uzr so'rab qo'ysang yaxshi bo Mar edi.
• You must apologise. / You have to apologise. (= you have no alternative) -
Uzr so'rashing shart / uzr so'rashga majbursan. (=uzr so'rashdan
chorang yo'q)
B 'Should' noto'g'ri bajarilayotgan biror ishni qanday qilsa to'g'ri bo'lishligini
yoki so'zlovchi uning qanday sodir bo'lishini umid qilganligini ifodalash uchun
• I wonder where Zebo is. She should be here by now. - Qiziq, Zebo qayerda
ekan. U hozirgacha shu yerda bo`lishi kerak edi.
• The price on this packet is wrong. It should be ? 2.50, not ? 3.50. - Manavi
paketga qo'yilgan narx noto'g'ri. U ? 3.50 emas, ? 2.50 bo'lishi kerak.
That man on the motorbike should be wearing a helmet. - Anavi
mototsikldagi kishi qalpoq kiyib olsa yaxshi bo'lar edi / kiyib olishi kerak.
'Should' biror ish sodir bo'lishini umid qilayotganligini yoki taxminini ifodalash
uchun ishlatiladi:
• She's been studying hard for the exam, so she should pass. - U imtihonga
juda qattiq o'qiyapti, demak o'tsa kerak.
• There are plenty of hotels in the town. It shouldn't be di cult to nd
somewhere to stay. - Shaharchada mehmonxonalar ko'p.
Turishga biror joy
topish qiyin bo'lmasa kerak.
C 'Should have done' - (o'tgan zamonda) biror ishni qilganida yaxshi bo'lardi
/ qilishi kerak edi:
• You missed a great party last night. You should have come. Why didn't you?
- Sen o'tgan kecha zo'r ziyofatdan qolding-da. Kelganingda yaxshi bo'lardi /
kelishing kerak edi. Nega kelmading?
• I wonder why they're so late. They should have arrived long ago. - Qiziq,
nega ular kech qolishdi ekan. Ular ancha oldin kelishi kerak edi.