PoliTİcal iDİoms

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Political Idioms last (1)

Frontrunner: The candidate who has the most votes or the highest level of support in public opinion surveys.
Set the stage: preparing an audience for an event; to make something possible or likely; to note that participants in an event are ready and that the event will begin soon. Sometimes a speaker will set the stage for a debate by telling people what candidates are about to discuss. The speaker might say, “The stage is set for an interesting debate tonight!”
Broaden his appeal beyond the base: Political candidates must work hard to become the nominee of their political party. To do this, they must convince members of their party to vote for them. Party activists are often called the “base” of their party. They are the strongest and most-active supporters of their party.
But political parties in the United States often do not have the majority of voters they need to win an election. Someone who wants to be president must convince many people who do not belong to their party to vote for them. So, after they become their party’s nominee, and sometimes even before, they will talk about issues that are important to people who are not part of their base. This act is called “broadening their appeal.”
Broaden means to make something wider or more general. Appeal means a quality that causes people to like someone. If a candidate does not broaden her or his appeal beyond their party’s base, it will be difficult for them to win the general election.
Presumptive nominee: This expression is often used to describe a candidate with the strongest support among party leaders and the public. Political experts believe the presumptive nominee will be the nominee of the party although she or he has not been named the nominee yet.
Flip-flop: Reporters say a political candidate has “flip-flopped” when they have a sudden change of opinion on an important issue. A politician who supports limiting gun ownership might change their position when surveys show voters do not support such limits. He knows that his support for limits may cause him to be defeated for reelection, so he changes his mind. Political reporters and opponents may charge the politician with “flip-flopping” on the issue because he or she is afraid of losing the election.
Lash out: to attack in speech or writing; to “burst into or resort to verbal or physical attack.” A candidate is said to “lash out” at an opponent who has attacked her positions or beliefs when they react angrily and answer the attack strongly.
Overshadows them all: There are more than 15 Republican presidential candidates and at least five Democrats seeking their parties’ nomination. Experts say only a few of them have a chance to become the nominee. They say Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump “overshadow” their opponents. In other words, Ms. Clinton and Mr. Trump “cause the other candidates to seem less important or impressive” by comparison.
The spotlight: Many politicians like the spotlight. They like public attention. A spotlight is “a device that directs a narrow, bright beam of light on a small area” of a stage.
Rationale for running: Some journalists question why a candidate is running for president. The candidate may not have much support. And people may not have given them a lot of money. So, reporters may ask what their rationale for running is. Some candidates run for office even if they do not believe they will win. They may want attention for themselves or for a political cause. Others run because they believe they are the best person for the job.
Where does he fit in to the conversation? Reporters may ask this question when a politician is considering entering a race that is already crowded with candidates. “Why is he running?” They might ask. “What role would he play?” They might wonder what the politician would offer that candidates already in the race do not.
Foreign policy chops: A candidate may be highly experienced in foreign policy. They may be applauded for their “chops.” This is an informal or slang American English word that means “skill or excellence in a particular field or activity (such as acting or playing music).”
Committing political suicide: A politician commits political suicide when they propose or support policies that will cause them to lose a campaign or be removed from office. They may strongly support a policy, but if they lose voter support, they are said to have committed political suicide, or ruined their political career.
Have you heard or read idioms and expressions in stories about the American presidential campaign that you do not understand? Let us know. We are happy to “clear up” any confusion or misunderstanding you might have. By the way, clear up means to explain. We hope this report has explained some of the idioms and expressions you have been hearing recently as the United States continues the process of choosing its next president.
What does he bring to the table? – what qualities does she have that will benefit the situation or us? How can he help us?
A reporter may want to know about a candidate’s experience or education and may ask, “What do you bring to the table?” A coach tells a reporter that he believes his current team could be the best he has ever had. He says of the players: “What they bring to the table that makes us such a good team is that they have no ego. What they bring to the table that makes us such a high scoring team is…”
Take options off the table – to remove issues from a negotiation that were at one time being considered.
For example, a broadcaster reported that Congress was taking some Social Security payment “options off the table.”
He’s only got one shot – having only one chance to achieve a goal.
A local official considering a plan to improve roads might say: “This is a big project, and we’ve only got one shot to get it right.”
Go the distance – to carry through a course of action to completion; to continue to do something until it is successfully completed; to do the whole amount; to play the entire game; to run the race until the end.
Political reporters often ask if a candidate has enough money, energy and support to finish a campaign: “Can she go the distance or will she run out of money halfway through?”
In the mix – included as part of a group; being considered.
A newspaper headline wondered if a local team was “in the mix” for a championship.
Gain traction – the support or interest that is needed for something to succeed or make progress.
When a bill fails to gain traction in the Senate, it does not pass.
Political expediency – often negative providing an easy and quick way to solve a problem or do something.
A candidate might ask his opponent to do the right thing, not the politically expedient thing.
Stack the deck – to arrange things against someone or something; to arrange things secretly for a desired outcome; to arrange something in a way that is not fair in order to achieve what you want; to arrange something so that it is unfair to someone.
Some candidates complain that the way a debate is designed hurts them. They may complain that the debate organizers have “stacked the deck” against them.
Stand your ground – to not change your position when you are being attacked; to not retreat.
For example, “The candidate has continued to stand her ground despite criticism” of her plan.
Unilateral action – involving only one group or country.
“If no other country joins us, we will act unilaterally to defend our interests.”
Have you been hearing or reading idioms and expressions in stories about the American presidential campaign that you don’t understand? Let us know. We’ll explain them in future reports.
Body politic-all the people of a particular country under a particular government

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