Specialized MSc
- evening programme
Master in Modeling, Data Analysis and Decision Support Systems (Data Analytics)
1. Candidates are ranked in descending order according to their Application Score (P*);
2. Two components count towards calculating the Application Score (P*):
a. the gross application score (PB);
b. the score earned on the GMAT, when available;
3. The gross application score (PB) is calculated as the average of the Curricular (CC), Extracurricular (CE)
and Professional components, in accordance with the following formula:
PB= 0.7*(0.9xCC+0.1xCE) +0.3*CP
4. The Curricular Component (CC) is equal to the final grade of the bachelor’s degree (CL), expressed on
a scale of 10 to 20 and rounded to the closest whole unit, increased or decreased by a factor (k1)
representing the relevance of the previous training and by a factor (k2) representing the quality of the
previous training (as measured by the position of the school where the bachelor’s degree was earned
in the most recent Webometrics ranking):
CC=CL*k1*k2, where 0.9≤k1≤1.1 e 0.9≤k2≤1.1
5. The relevance of the previous training shall be based on a comparative analysis of the curricular
structure of the bachelor’s program and the characteristics and content of the cycle of studies being
applied for, also considering other complementary training, whether it conferred a degree or not.
6. When candidates do not hold a bachelor's degree, CL will be the average, rounded to the next whole
unit, of all the completed curricular units listed on the certificate accompanying the application;
7. The Curricular Component is limited to a maximum of 20 points.
8. The Extracurricular Component, scored on a scale of 10 to 20, varies according to the nature,
relevance and duration of the extracurricular activities the candidate participated in as a student,
including, but not limited to, attending foreign language courses and participating in research
9. The Professional Component highlights the applicant’s experience in professional activities connect
with modeling, data analysis and decision support, as well as professional activities in areas of
information technology, preferably involving programming.
10. The Application Score (P*) is calculated in the following way:
a. If the student has earned a score on the GMAT test equal to or greater than 600:
= 𝑴𝒂𝒙 {𝟏, 𝟏 ∗ (𝟎, 𝟓 ∗
∗ 𝟐𝟎 + 𝟎, 𝟓 ∗ 𝑷𝑩) ; 𝑷𝑩}
b. In all other cases: 𝑷
= 𝑷𝑩
Tie-breaking criteria: Date (day and time – hh:mm:ss) of application submission, giving preference to the
earliest-submitted application.
12. Glossary
12.1 Full time student
Student who signs more than 37.5 ECTS credit and a maximum of 75 ECTS in a particular study cycle.
12.2. Part time student
Student who signs up to a maximum of 37.5 ECTS, in a particular study cycle.
Note: The frequency regime is selected at the time of registration, and it is not allowed to change it latter.
12.3. International Student Status effective on the date of the Notice:
According to the University of Porto regulation and Portugal law
“1 — For the purposes presented in this decree, an international student is a student who does not hold
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