Tanlangan funksiyalarning har biri kompyuter tarmog‘ining eng muhim jihatlaridan birini tavsiflaydi.
Asta-sekin tarmoqning axborot, texnik, texnologik va kommutatsiya xususiyatlari yanada ixcham nomga aylanib, uni “axborot-telekommunikatsiya tarmog‘i” tushunchasiga aylantirdi.
The Internet, as a data network, is an integral part of the information society, connected with the general trends of informatization of various aspects of society. Most information descriptions have one thing in common. In particular, they assume that there are at least four components:
Internet ma'lumotlar tarmog'i sifatida jamiyat hayotining turli jabhalarini axborotlashtirishning umumiy tendentsiyalari bilan bog'liq bo'lgan axborot jamiyatining ajralmas qismidir. Ko'pgina ma'lumotlar tavsiflarida umumiy narsa bor. Xususan, ular kamida to'rtta komponent mavjudligini taxmin qilishadi:
1) qanday ma'lumotlar uzatilayotganligini bilish jarayoni;
Based on the above, the data transmitted over the Internet is information about the surrounding world, its objects, processes and events, and is presented in a form that allows the encoded data to be decoded.