Qarshi davlat universiteti ingliz filologiyasi fakultetlararo ingliz tili

TASK 2. Put the sentences in order

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MAJMUA 3-KURS 2023-2024 (2)talaba uchun 120 s

TASK 2. Put the sentences in order.
A. I am hoping that you would allow me to meet you sometime later on that day or on a different day.
B. The meeting in the office will start at 9.00 am whereas my interview with you is set at 10.00 am on the same day.
C. Also, kindly let me know if I need to take any tests as part of the interview process and how long the interview might continue.
D. I understand how important it is for me to meet you to finalize my admission and hoping that you would allow me to alter the timing as I really cannot make it at 10 am on 27th November.
E. Dear Sir or Madam,
F. Yours faithfully,
G. I am supposed to meet you in an interview next Monday morning but I am afraid the timing contradicts another important meeting.
H. I work with Optus Telecom and they have scheduled a general meeting on 27th November which contradicts my interview with you.
I. Adam Smith
J. I have been accepted to join the Masters of Science programme in the winter semester at your college.
K. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and I request you to kindly reschedule my interview for another day or after 2 pm on the same day.
L. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
M. For this, I shall always be thankful to you
● Shu bilan birga, ko’p holarda agar siz shikoyat xati olsangiz, yumshoq mazmunda kechirim so’rash xati yozib javob qaytarasiz. Bu holatda, kechirim xati yozishdan asosiy maqsad shikoyat xatida keltirilgan muammolarga asos keltirib tushuntirish va vaziyat yaxshi tomonga hal qilinishiga ishontirishdan iborat. Siz qandaydir kompensatsiya taklif qilishongiz ham mumkin.
● Kechirim so’rash xati rasmiy uslubda yoziladi va xatning mazmuni juda yumshoq ohangda bo’lishi shart.
● Shikoyatniong har bir bo’limiga alohida paragraf yozishingiz kerak bo’ladi.
Opening remarks = xatni ochib beruvchi iboralar
I am writing to apologize for + TOPIC
I am writing to offer my apologies for + TOPIC
Please, accept my/our sincere/profuse apologies for + TOPIC
I must/would like to apologize for + TOPIC
To introduce new points = yangi bo’limlarni kiritish
With regard to / as regards …
As far as … is/are concerned …
Firstly/First of all/Secondly/Finally
To emphasize what you say = aytmoqchi bo’lgan gapingizga urg’u berish
Clearly/obviously/Needless to say, …
To express reality = haqqoniylikni ifodalash uchun
In fact/As a matter of fact/Actually/Indeed, …
Making amends = xatosini to’g’rilash uchun nimadir qilish
Please, allow me to offer/suggest … as compensation for …
I insist on + noun/verb + ing to make up for your loss/inconvenience …
Closing remarks = xatni yopuvchi iboralar
Once again, my/our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.
I hope that you will accept my apologies/my apologies will be accepted
I hope you can forgive/overlook this regrettable error
A letter of apology can be either formal or informal. It can be written when someone has made a mistake, has failed to perform a duty or is not able to fulfil a promise. The main body contains reasons for the inconvenience caused. In the final paragraph you can express your hope to improve the situation or promise to make up for any problems that have been caused.

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