Lesson plan 9 Theme: Parts of sentences: Secondary parts of sentences Level: Intermediate Materials: Blackboard, Projector, laptop, different handouts Aim: To raise the awareness about the Course “Practical Grammar”
Time: 80 min
Parts of sentences: Secondary parts of sentences
Have/get something
done This typically describes a service performed for us by someone else.
I've just had/got my car serviced. I have/get it done every winter. It can also describe something unfortunate that happens to someone.
We had/got our car broken into last month. Get is more likely to be used than
have when:
i) there is a feeling that something must be done.
really must get (have) my hair cut. ii) there is a feeling of eventually managing to do something.
eventually got (had) the car fixed at the Fast Service garage. iii) in orders and imperatives.
Get your hair cut! Note that
get should not be used in the present perfect passive, where it
would be confused with
have got.
The need to have a service done can be described with
need doing. Your hair needs cutting.
Present reference
With verbs such as
believe, know, say, think, which report people's opinions, a
passive construction is often used to avoid a weak subject, and to give a
generalised opinion.
With present reference, the passive is followed by the present infinitive.
The criminal