1 striking
2 alteration
3 constructed
4 major
5 added
6given new names
After you write Useful language: signalling order of importance a The most significantly change is in the size of the
b Two buildings have been changed making them
noticeably larger.
c Another obvious thing is the reduction in grassland.
d The clearest alteration in the transport is fewer cars.
e There are more transport links than there were in the past.
Verb forms: present perfect and present perfect passive The two plans show changes to a science park since
2008. The most striking alteration has been [present
perfect passive] to the northern part of the area, where a
Research and Development block has been constructed
[present perfect passive] on the grassland, though it is
noticeable that the area covered by trees has remained
[present perfect] approximately the same. Two buildings
have been expanded [present perfect passive], most
obviously the Cyber Security unit, which has almost
doubled [present perfect] in size. Another important
change has been to the transport arrangements.
The amount of space for cars has been significantly
reduced [present perfect passive], with car parking
cut [present perfect] by almost half. At the same time,
public transport links have been increased: [present
perfect passive] a train station has been added [present
perfect passive] and there is now a bus stop opposite
the entrance; a cycling lane has also been introduced
[present perfect passive]. Two buildings have been
given [present perfect passive] different names: the old
Reception block is now called the University Hub and
the IT Centre has been renamed [present perfect] the
Innovation Centre. Taken as a whole, the Science Park
has undergone [present perfect passive] a number of
major alterations since 2008.