bu tarmoq va dasturlarning yaxlitligini buzish va ruxsatsiz kirishdan himoya qilish uchun tarmoq xavfsizligini ta'minlash choralarini rejalashtirish va amalga oshirish bilan shug'ullanadigan axborot / kiber-xavfsizlikning to'plami. U tashkilotning IT infratuzilmasi va tarmoqqa kirish mumkin bo'lgan manbalarni viruslar, troyanlar, zararli dasturlar, spam-dasturlar, josuslarga qarshi dasturlar va boshqa kiber-tahdidlardan himoya qiladi. Tarmoq xavfsizligi bo'yicha mutaxassisning vazifasi - bu sizning kompyuteringizga kirishni aniqlash tizimlari, shifrlash, xavfsizlik devori va raqamli sertifikatlar bo'yicha yordam berish, shu jumladan texnik mutaxassislarni taqdim etish orqali tarmog'ingizni yanada xavfsizroq qilish.
It is a collection of information / cyber security that deals with the planning and implementation of network security measures to protect the integrity of networks and applications from unauthorized access. It protects the organization's IT infrastructure and network-accessible resources from viruses, trojans, malware, spam, spyware, and other cyber-threats. A network security professional's job is to make your network more secure by providing technical expertise, including help with intrusion detection systems, encryption, firewalls, and digital certificates.
IPSec (Internet protocol security) protokoli
Ipsec (Internet protocol security) bu xavfsizlik protokollari hamda shifrlash algoritmlaridan foydalangan holda tarmoq orqali xavfsiz ma’lumot almashish imkonini beradi. Bu maxsus standart orqali tarmoqdagi kompyuterlarning o‘zaro aloqasida dastur va ma’lumotlar hamda qurilmaviy vositalar bir-biriga mos kelishini ta’minlaydi. Ipsec protokoli tarmoq orqali uzatilayotgan axborotning sirliligini, ya’ni faqatgina yubo-ruvchi va qabul qiluvchiga tushunarli bo‘lishini, axborotning sofligini hamda paketlarni autentifikatsiyalashni amalga oshiradi.
Ipsec (Internet protocol security) allows secure data exchange over the network using security protocols and encryption algorithms. This special standard ensures that software and data and hardware are compatible with each other in the communication between computers on the network. The Ipsec protocol ensures the confidentiality of the information transmitted over the network, that is, it is understandable only to the sender and receiver, the purity of the information, and the authentication of packets.