Chapter 1: Introduction
The project that we will be working on is an RFID door lock that will be available to the general
public at an affordable price. The goal of this project is to create a more convenient way to unlock your
door than the traditional key. In the key’s place is an RFID tag that will unlock the door by proximity.
However, the improvements of this RFID door lock must outweigh the complications of implementation.
The list of customer needs (in the Requirements and Specifications section) was constructed with that
fundamental goal in mind. The design consists of two components. The first component is the actual door
lock that must be installed in the doorframe. This will be controlled by a magnetic lock and will need to
be powered. The second component is a relatively small module that you can install anywhere near the
door. This module is responsible for the RFID sensing.
Chapter 2 goes over the requirements and specifications determined for the RFID door lock. The
requirements are inspired by surveys of various groups as well as personal interest. The specifications are
designed in order to meet these requirements. These are created before the actual design of the RFID door
lock had been created so the requirements and specifications may not exactly meet the final product.
However, the final product is still designed with these ideas in mind.
In the Functional Decomposition (Chapter 3), the design of the final product is shown and
explained. This chapter also documents the tests and complications confronted throughout the design. The
design is split into 5 modules which were tackled individually until finally bringing the whole product
together. The necessity of each module is included.