Rules and regulations for USMLE examinations for students and graduates * of Medical University of Bialystok
The application for USMLE Step 1 will be possible after a student completes all basic sciences courses from the curriculum .
Any student wanting to sit for the USMLE Step 1 Exam would have to obtain a passing score on the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Basic Science Comprehensive Examination.
Students or Graduates wanting to take the USMLE Step 2CK (clinical knowledge) exam must obtain a passing score on the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Clinical Science Examination .
Each student will be allowed to take NBME Basic Science Comprehensive Exam (Step 1) and the NBME Comprehensive Clinical Science Exam (Step 2) for a total of three time each . The number of attempts on the NBME examination after graduation will be at the discretion of the Dean.
A graduate wanting to take the exam USMLE in Poland or abroad is obliged to notify the Medical University of Bialystok , take the NBME exam and obtain a satisfactory result. (See table).
The passing score of the NBME comprehensive exam will be valid for five months after the exam date. Students have to take the USMLE Exam not later than 5 months after the date of the NBME exam.
Students who pass NBME and then fail on the USMLE exam must retake and pass the appropriate NBME to be eligible to retake the USMLE.
The costs of NBME and USMLE examinations are covered by student/graduate.
Passing scores of NBME exam, announced annualy ( however the Dean does have a righ to change the passing score)
The student is required to submit a declaration to authorize the Medical University of Bialystok to monitoring his professional career after graduation, including but not limited to obtaining the results of the USMLE examinations from ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates).
*the graduate- in the accordance with the above Rules and Regualtions, refers to the current year graduate and students who graduated in the previous three years.