siyalash usuli. Ushbu usulning afzalligi
- biometrik xarakteristika-
lami foydalanuvchidan ajratib bo‘lmasligi. Ulami esdan chiqarish-
ning, yo‘qotishning yoki boshqa foydalanuvchiga
berishning iloji
Biometric Authentication
- Authentication Method subscri
ber (user), based on its verification of biometrics (fingerprints, hand
geometry, face, voice,
retina pattern, etc.). The advantages of this
method is the inseparability of the biometric
characteristics of the
user: they can not be forgotten, lost or transferred to another user.
- аутентификация
пользователей на основе
двух разнородных факторов, как пра
вило, на основе того,
что знает пользователь, и того, чем он
владеет (например, на основе пароля и физического иден
Ikki faktorli autentifikatsiya
- foydalanuvchilami ikkita turli
asosida autentifikatsiyalash, odatda, foydalanuvchi biladi-
gan va egalik qiladigan narsa (masalan, parol va fizik identifikatori)
Two-factor authentication
- user authentication based on two
different factors are usually based on what the user knows, and what
he owns (eg password-based and physical identifier).
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