price discrimination: practice of selling the same
product for less to one company than to another.
price-earnings ratio: one measure of how much
faith investors have in a particular stock, it shows how much
they're willing to pay for each share of a corporation's earnings.
You calculate it by dividing the current price per share by
the earnings per share for the last year.
price stability: the absence of inflation or deflation - a
period of time in which there is little change in what the
dollar can buy.
price system: economic system in which resources are
allocated as a result of the interaction of the forces of supply and
price war: a situation in which businesses compete to
attract customers by lowering prices.
primary market: market where new issues of secu-
rities, like stocks, are sold and the proceeds go to the issuer.
prime rate: interest rate banks charge their most credit-
worthy commercial customers for loans. Often given to large