Exercise 6. Цч вариантдан (а, б, ж) дцзэцн оланы сечин:
трехвариантовпродолжения предложения
(a, b, c ) выберитеправильный: 1.
Concern with these issues of business cycles and growth
has led to a) the purchase of durable goods by households, bu-
sinesses, and governments; b) residential investment; c) very
active tax policy toward investment during the postwar years.
Economists usually use the term “investment” to
describe a) the purchase of durable goods by households,
businesses, and governments; b) the level, pattern, and timing
of investment spending; c) residential investment, which
accounts for about a quarter of all private investment.
Investment helps increase productivity by a) very
active tax policy toward investment; b) over three-quarters; c)
raising the level of capital per worker.