Exercise 6 Translate the text. Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly Perfect competition and pure monopoly represent two
extreme possibilities for a market’s structure.The structure of
almost all markets, however, falls somewhere between these
two extrems. This section considers two market structures,
monopolistic competition and oligopoly, which lie between
the extreme cases of perfect competition and monopoly.
According to its name, monopolistic competitionis more clo-
sely related to perfect competition than to monopoly. Oligopoly
is also a combination of monopoly and competition, but it is
more closely related to monopoly than to perfect competition.
Conditions for Monopolistically Competitive Market Three conditions characterize a monopolistically com-
petitive market.First, the market has many firms,none of which
is large. Second, there is free entry and exist into the market;
there is no barriers to entry or exist. Third, each firm in the
market produces a differentiated product. This last condition is
what distinguishing monopolistic competition from perfect
competition. Examples of monopolistic competitive firms
include restaurants, retail clothing stores, and gasoline service