Exercise 7. Цчвариантдан (а, б, ж) дцзэцноланысечин: Из
трехвариантовпродолженияпредложения (a, b, c ) выберите
правильный: 1. For centuries physical commodities, most commonly
silver or gold, a) is the Central Bank; b) decline in purchasing
power over the life of their loans;c) served as money.
2. The abandonment of convertibility of money into a
commodity made paper money a) issue paper money without
legal constraints; b) the main financial instrument around the
world; c) convertible into commodity money.
3. As the public begins to expect inflation, lenders insist
on higher interest rates a) to offset an expected decline in
purchasing power over the life of their loans; b) $ 4,066 billion;
c) to issue paper money without legal constraints.