MATERIALS AND METHODS Data Source: Regarding macroeconomic variables the data
have been obtained from the central bank of Tanzania,
Tanzania bureau of statistics, and World Bank’s database. For
the empirical analysis six variables have been included in this
research, out of them, ROA is dependent variable and other
five variables (GDP, Inflation rate, Interest rate, Exchange rate,
and government debts) are independent variables.
Model Development:The majority of studies support the
regression model to estimate the effect of different factors on
the profitability (Singh Kumar Rajesh & Chaudary Sakshi.
(2009); Fadzlan & Habibuhhal, 2009; Panayiotis, Sophocles &
Matthaios, 2008; Deger & Adem, 2011; Andreas & Gabrielle,
2011). Therefore the following model for Banks’ performance
is provided in the following equation:
ROA = β
+ β
GDP + β
INFR + β
INTR + β
EXCR + β
t Where;
ROA = Return on Assets
GDP = Gross Domestic Product
INFR = Inflation rate
INTR = interest rate
EXCR = Exchange Rate
DEBTR = Money Supply
t = Random Error
= The intercept of the equation
= The change coefficient for independent variables
t = Time
Measurement of Variables Dependent Variable – Performance Measure: The research
by Rao & Lakew, (2012) captured from Guru et al., (1999) that
it is a good practice to use ratios to measure the banks’
performance rather than using the values due to the fact that,
ratios are not affected by inflationary pressure. In this context,
our study use Return on Assets as the dependent variable.
Return on Assets (ROA) explains on how the bank managers
are effective in using assets efficiently to earn the return
(Davydenko, 2011).