Compiled and organized by Toshev
Reasons for travel and the main issues (bar chart and pie chart)
The charts below show reasons for travel and the main issues for the travelling public in
the US in 2009.
The bar chart and pie chart give information about why US residents travelled and what
travel problems they experienced in the year 2009.
It is clear that the principal reason why Americans travelled in 2009 was to commute to
and from work. In
the same year, the primary concern of Americans, with
regard to the
trips they made, was the cost of travelling.
Looking more
closely at the bar chart, we can see that 49% of the trips made by
Americans in 2009 were for the purpose of commuting. By contrast, only 6% of trips
visits to friends or relatives, and one in ten trips were for social or recreation
reasons. Shopping was cited as the reason for 16%
of all travel, while unspecific
‘personal reasons’ accounted for the remaining 19%.
According to
the pie chart, price was the key consideration for 36% of American
travellers. Almost one in five people cited safety as
their foremost travel concern, while
aggressive driving and highway congestion were the main issues for 17% and 14% of
the travelling public. Finally, a total of 14% of those surveyed thought that access to
public transport or space for pedestrians were the most important travel issues.
(201 words, band 9)