Educational aim: According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ personal qualities like behavior, education etc. to
improve pupils’ ideal-political knowledge, to form their developing skills and abilities.
Developmental aim: According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational
skills, develop pupils’ self educational skills, analyzing and systematizing skills of knowledge, develop to report
own ideas, communicative skills.
Linguistic competences By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about countries, capitals and cities, and make a poster
Type of the lesson: Lessons of communication of new knowledge; Lessons of fixation of knowledge and of developing skills and
abilities; Lessons of verification and control of knowledge; Lessons of systematization and revision of
knowledge; Combined (mixed) lessons; Excursion lessons; Practical lessons.
Method of the lesson: Traditional, non-traditional, modern, interactive
Equipments: Textbook ―Fly High 6‖, pictures, Internet, Computers, projector, etc.
Main part of the lesson: Organizational part: Greeting. Working with pupils on duty.
Checking for homework and revision of the previous lesson: Revision of the words. Pupils remember the words from the past lesson. Checking homework. Marking pupils for
their homework.
Pro ce d u re o f th e les so n : Lesson 6. Project
1Spelling Dictation. 2 Work in groups. Make a poster about a real or an imaginary country. Draw a map of the country, the flag, the rivers, lakes and mountains. You can use the information in this unit or on this page, or find your
own information.
3 Write about location area (square kilometres) population (millions) language(s)
capital city and other cities mountains, rivers and lakes.