Sara Garbom, Åke Forsberg, Hans Wolf-Watz, and Britt-Marie Kihlberg
2004, Infection and Immunity, v. 72
pp. 1333-1340
IF{Genomes of pathogenic bacteria are reduced to smallest set needed for growth in an animal host}
IF{Genomes of pathogenic bacteria are reduced to smallest set needed for growth in an animal host}
THEN{Genes expressed in vivo and shared by pathogens may be “amenable” targets for antibacterial agents}
Why target in vivo expressed virulence factors?
Why target in vivo expressed virulence factors?
Why target in vivo expressed virulence factors?
In silico: Find novel putative virulence genes through comparative analysis
In silico: Find novel putative virulence genes through comparative analysis
In vitro: Assay genes for essentiality to survival
In silico: Find novel putative virulence genes through comparative analysis
In vitro: Assay genes for essentiality to survival
In vivo: Assay genes for virulence in an animal model
“the rapid emergence of multiply [antibiotic] resistant bacterial strains…demands the development of new antibacterial agents by engaging strategies that specifically counteract the development of resistance”