Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203 189
does not fully realize and consciously feel his actions and the behavior he is doing in this situation.
Examples of this type can be cited with other articles in the Criminal Code. For crimes committed
against minors, responsibility should be strengthened more strongly. For example, in relation to
pedophile criminals. It is a saying that if crimes of a pedophile type are committed against underage
girls and the punishment system is not strengthened further, these cases will increase even more and
cause many negative consequences. We all witness that many of these crimes are still being
committed today. Turning a blind eye to such disgusting situations or not further strengthening the
penal system can then lay the groundwork for the increasing number of these crimes.
It is every society's duty to minors to create the necessary conditions for the physical,
mental, social development of children. Juvenile delinquency in a certain sense represents the
failure of the above obligations by society. And the restoration of justice is primarily expressed in
the re-education of minors. To make a final conclusion, we will witness in the article that in both
countries studied underage liability, there are reliefs and justice in the imposition of penalties on
References: 1. Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
2. Decree of the plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 1 of February 3. 2006
“on the practice of judicial punishment for crimes”;
3. Конвенция о правах ребенка;
4. Criminal Code in the version published on 13 November 1998 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 3322), as last
amended by Article 2 of the Act of 22 November 2021 (Federal Law Gazette I, p. 4906);
5. Federal Republic of Germany juvenile criminal law (Jugendstrafrecht);
6. Order of the plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 21 of September 15,
2000 “on judicial practice in cases of crimes of minors”;
7. O‘zbekiston Respublikasining Jinoyat-protsessual kodeksi (Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic
of Uzbekistan). URL: