Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203 210
Currently, scientists often try to link the problem of ensuring the rational use of natural
resources with the factor of limited natural resources. "In particular, limiting factors are widely used
in industrial ecology, according to which scientifically sound normative indicators of the use of
natural resources and the impact on the environment should be established."
Due to the need to provide adequate means of carrying out economic and other activities
related to the rational use of natural resources and environmental impact, the literature on
environmental law provides for the consolidation as a rule of rational use of natural resources,
providing for a favorable environment. Rational use of natural resources requires taking into
account the laws of nature and natural reserves and the possibilities of the environment (they are not
infinite, but they have a high level at which the intensification of anthropogenic impact can take on
a dangerous character). Rationality in the use of natural resources implies the preservation of the
possibility of sustainable reproduction of natural resources, the prevention of irreversible negative
consequences for the environment" [3. pp. 61-70].
As the main description of the rational use of natural resources in some legal literature, its
complexity is considered, which determines the environmental aspect of the right to use natural
resources. Nevertheless, even in this literature, the rational use of natural resources is more
associated with achieving the necessary economic effect. This is especially evident when analyzing
this principle on the basis of a differential approach.
Rational use of natural resources in the Integration approach assumes a complex relationship
of natural objects as components of a single ecological system. At the same time, when analyzing
rationality, the main attention in each type of nature management is paid to the integrated economic
use of all parts of a separate natural object. In other words, the emphasis is on the full use of
minerals, for example, the extraction of both basic minerals and man-made mineral formations, the
development of all possible properties of a natural object.
Although the disclosure of the rational use of natural resources through efficiency and
complexity has its advantages, it cannot be defined as the main legal criterion for the rational use of
natural resources. Because an integrated approach to the use of natural resources is an independent
principle of the right to use natural resources and expresses the requirement to take into account all
the ecological connections of the natural object used with other natural objects and the natural
environment as a whole"[4. pp. 29-35.].
In some cases, ensuring the rational use of specially protected natural territories or rare and
endangered natural resources listed in the Red Book requires the use of serious and decisive means
of protection. Rationality in this case is ensured by the establishment of a legal regime for the use of
natural resources through law, which combines various norms, rules and other legal requirements.
The task common to all types of rational use of natural resources is to meet the diverse needs
of people (economic, physiological, recreational, aesthetic, etc.). q.) satisfaction and at the same
time preventing the collision of nature with degradation (depletion of natural resources, pollution of
the environment) in various forms. Therefore, the principle of rational use of natural resources, i.e.
environmentally sound use of natural resources, applies to all types of use of natural resources. It is
not by chance that the right to use natural resources pays special attention to the establishment of
the order and conditions for the rational use of natural resources in order to meet the economic,
environmental, economic, cultural and recreational needs of citizens, the protection of the
environment and the rights and legitimate interests of users of natural resources."
The analysis shows the need for further improvement of the institute of rational use of
natural resources, including the development of an integration approach in this area, in particular,
the improvement of environmental legislation and organizational and legal mechanisms in this area.