Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203 321
ministries, but also submits, if necessary, submissions to the ministries on the need to adopt a
departmental regulatory legal act, indicating the deadline for its adoption.
In view of the foregoing, in our opinion, the provisions relating to departmental rule-
creativeness, enshrined in the Concept for improving rule-creativeness activities, need deep
scientific understanding and interpretation. In particular, this document indicates the need for
"maximum reduction of departmental regulations." However, this provision cannot be understood
as a desire for a complete rejection of departmental law-creativeness - it must be limited, ensured its
validity and legality, but not excluded from the arsenal of means and forms of legal regulation.
Indeed, the scope of departmental legal acts cannot be unlimited, they must be adopted strictly on
reasonable conditions, and they should not substitute for the operation of laws. At the same time,
the main requirement is their adoption on the basis of and in pursuance of laws, the lawful
development and specification of their provisions, their intradepartmental nature of action.
In terms of the scope of the range of regulated relations, departmental legal acts, as a rule,
are inferior to laws, since they are in a subordinate relationship to them, but in general they
establish similar rules of law that regulate the same social relations as legislative norms.
Understanding the term "departmental law-creativeness" as the corresponding activity of the central
executive authorities, some scholars note the danger of the appearance of manifestations of
"arbitrariness" of these bodies when adopting legal acts. Therefore, they rightly emphasize the great
importance of the mechanisms of legal control - judicial control, general prosecutorial supervision,
state and public legal expertise [14]. The foregoing allows us to single out, on the one hand, the
common features of departmental law-creativeness with law-creativeness, and on the other hand, its
sub-legislative nature and limitation within the framework established in laws.
Although in foreign literature (with the exception of post-Soviet countries) there is no
concept of “departmental law-creativeness”, it should be noted that in Western countries, concepts
related to the content and characteristics of law-creativeness at the government and ministry levels
are being researched and used. For example, in Canada, the Directive of the Cabinet of Ministers on
the procedure for the implementation of law-creativeness has been adopted. This document is a
fundamental document for ministers in the process of adopting acts and resolutions; it guides the
law-creativeness activities of officials involved in the law-creativeness process. It is explicitly
stated here: the regulatory body has no freedom of action when adopting regulations, there are a
number of legal restrictions, including the Constitution and other generally applicable laws [15].
French professor Gerard Marcou says: from a legal point of view, one cannot speak only of
departmental law-creativeness. At the same time, ministers issue regulatory orders necessary to
ensure the functioning of the department or the implementation of a law or decree, if the law or
decree gives them such powers [16].
Some countries (for example, New Zealand) have so-called “secondary legislation”, which
refers to legislation relating to issues of detail or implementation of laws, issues of a technical
nature, or issues that may require frequent changes or updates [17]. In Ireland, some statutes allow
the minister to issue regulations adding details on how a particular provision will work in practice.
They are by-laws [18]. In general, the world recognizes the objective need for such subordinate
legislation, which is recognized within the established limits to specify laws, determine the legal
mechanism for their implementation and enforcement.
Of particular importance is the problem of the effectiveness of departmental law-
creativeness. If it is not effective, the question naturally arises of the validity of the adoption of
regulatory legal acts at the departmental level. In the legal literature, it is noted that the social
effectiveness of a legal act implies a complete characterization of the operation of the rules of law,
the degree to which they achieve an objectively justified, socially determined goal, based on the
compliance of legal prescriptions with social needs [19]. The most important indicator of the