Seer*Abs 10 Users Manual March 2017 Table of Contents

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Status Bar

A status bar is shown at the bottom of the screen. The contents of the status bar are described below.

  • Your username and the current facility are displayed on the left side of the status bar. The facility will be used as the default for filters and some fields when entering data. If you need to change the facility, select File > Set Current Facility.

  • The name of the current module is shown on the far right side of the status bar. In the example below, the user is viewing the Worklist and FAC-0010 is the Current Facility.

  • You may move back and forth from the record editor to other parts of the system without closing the record. If a record is open in the editor:

    • The center part of the status bar contains the edit failure for the current file (if any edit is failing for it).

    • The type of record is indicated by an ID prefix or the full record ID. If the record has never been saved, only the prefix is shown. ABS is the ID prefix for abstract records.

    • Mod is displayed if the record has been modified but not saved.

    • The number of failing edits will be shown in parentheses.

    • The current status of the record is also displayed.

  • The figure below shows the status bar as it would be displayed while editing an abstract record that was saved and then modified. The modifications have not been saved. The (2) indicates that there are two edits failing for the record.

    1. Keyboard Commands

To access a menu using your keyboard, press Alt + a letter. To view the letter assigned to each menu, only press the Alt key. A single letter will be underlined in each menu item. Alt + that letter will open the menu. You may then use arrow keys or the key combinations listed on the menu to access a specific menu item.

In addition to the shortcuts listed in the menus and toolbar icons, there may be shortcuts designed specifically for the current page. Enter Ctrl+Shift+T to view a list of the currently available keyboard shortcuts.

    1. User Preferences

To open the User Preferences dialog, click on the Preferences under the File menu.

The following parts of the application can be customized:

  • Startup – Toolbar: whether the toolbar should display large icons, small icons or no icons at all. The F keys short still work even when the icons are not displayed (unless the F-keys have been re-assigned to record editor actions, see Key Binding).

  • Startup – Worklist: default filter for the worklist: display only the outstanding work, or all the records (and Abstract Facility Leads if they have been enabled in your Registry).

  • Record Editor – Key Binding: this is the most complicated feature in the Preferences; it allows the 12 F-keys to be re-map to common action in the record editor like display the lookup for the current field, display the documentation for the current field, initiate a physician search, etc.. By default the F-Keys are used to access the main pages of the application (Worklist, Editor, Search and Synchronization). If the F-keys are used for record editor actions instead, they won’t trigger the main pages anymore. In that case, the Alt+Left and Alt+Right can still be used to go to the next and previous main page. The figure on the next page shows the different option that can be assigned to the F-keys

  • Record Editor – Lookups: simple customizations for the lookups.

  • Record Editor – Text Panel: whether the text panel (for large text fields) is shown by default when opening a record. Note that not all record types support a text viewer; that depends on how your Registry configured the data entry forms.

  • Record Editor – Info Panel: Whether the info panel (showing the record summary on the top of the page) is shown by default when opening a record. Note that not all record types support a record information panel; that depends on how your Registry configured the data entry forms.

  • Record Editor – Font Size: the default font size to use in the record editor.

  • Input/Output – Input Folder: the default folder to use when importing data.

  • Input/Output – Output Folder: the default folder to use when extracting data.

Section 3: Worklist

The SEER*Abs worklist displays tasks related to records (abstracts and possibly some other types if the application has been configured to support them) and Abstract Facility Leads (if they have been turned on in your Registry). In SEER*Abs, an Abstract Facility Lead (AFL) is used to let an Abstractor know that an abstract is needed. An AFL is a request to abstract medical records for a patient at a specific hospital or facility. The AFL may include data items describing the patient and case.

AFL is an optional feature in SEER*Abs. If used, the AFLs are loaded from registry data. The AFLs are listed in the worklist. You would open an AFL and review the information. You could then create an abstract record from the AFL (some fields may be auto-filled using values in the AFL).

In addition to AFL tasks, all records created in SEER*Abs are listed as tasks in the worklist. It is possible to have tasks for each type of record supported in SEER*Abs including abstract records and records designed specifically for your registry. The task ID includes a prefix which identifies the type of task. The prefixes can be customized for your registry, if desired. The prefixes used for tasks in the default version of SEER*Abs are:

  • AFL – Abstract Facility Lead. This “lead” indicates that an abstract is needed from a specific facility for the patient.

  • ABS – worklist task to finish an incomplete abstract record.

  • There may be other types of tasks unique to your registry.

The worklist filters and columns can be configured, the worklist in your version of SEER*Abs may not be exactly as shown above. Typically, there will be filters at the top of the worklist that allow you to search for tasks by task type, status, facility, and other search fields. The results of your search will be displayed in the table below. When you first log in, the worklist will display the outstanding AFL tasks for the Current Facility.

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