Seer*Abs 10 Users Manual March 2017 Table of Contents

Section 5: Searching the Reference Data

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Section 5: Searching the Reference Data

The SEER*Abs Search page allows you to search patients and records reference data, facilities, physicians, SEER*Rx drugs and Hematopoietic and Lymphoid diseases.

Reference data are transferred from registry data via the synchronization module. Scripts maintained in the registry’s configuration define the amount and type of data that are made available as a reference. These scripts can be configured to load the data directly from the registry’s database during synchronization; or the data can be loaded from external files. Your registry’s system administrator will provide you with instructions for updating the reference data.

The Search page consists of five tabs with tab-specific filters at the top of the page. As is true throughout SEER*Abs, the columns and filters are defined by registry configuration settings. SEER*Abs is shipped with the filters and columns shown in the snapshots used in this manual.

To search for reference data:

  1. Go to the Search Page using one of these methods:

    1. To go to a specific tab and clear all filters:

      1. Patient Data tab: Select File > Search Patient Data or press Ctrl+Shift+P

      2. Facility tab: Select File > Search Facilities or press Ctrl+Shift+F

      3. Physicians tab: Select File > Search Physicians or press Ctrl+Shift+Y

      4. SEER*Rx Drugs tab: Select File > Search SEER*Rx Drugs or press Ctrl+Shift+D

      5. Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Database: Select File > Search Hematopoietic Diseases or press Ctrl+Shift+I

    2. Or press F3 to return to the Search page from any part of the system. The previously used filter settings will be restored.

  2. Enter values in the filters at the top of the page. For the Patient Data, Facilities and Physicians, your registry’s configuration determines which fields are available as filters, the type of search algorithm used for each filter, and the columns displayed in the search results. The SEER*Rx Drugs and Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Diseases have a single “Google-style” search field.

  3. Click Search or press Enter to apply the filters.

  4. If you need to cancel a search, press Escape. If searches are excessively slow, please contact your registry’s system administrator for technical support.

  5. For the Patient Data, Facilities and Physicians, you can double click an entry or use keyboard controls to view data for an individual record, patient set, facility, or physician. The keyboard controls are described below:

    1. Press Tab to move your cursor to the results table.

    2. Use the up and down arrows to move your cursor to a specific item in the table.

    3. Press Enter to open the data item.

  6. If you open a data item, the data will be displayed using a screen layout defined in the registry configuration settings. Reference data are displayed in read only mode. Click the Close button at the top right of the page to close the window.

  7. Click Reset to reset the filter values to blank.

Search results matching your filters will be shown in the table. The total number of results is displayed just above the table. If you exceed the maximum number of allowed results, the message “(maximum number of results was reached)” will follow that number.

The results are initially sorted based on a matching score. You can sort by another column by clicking the column header; click it again to change from ascending to descending order. Clicking Search or Clear will reset the sort order to be based on score.

    1. Patient Reference Data

The Patient Data tab can be used to search for records and consolidated patient data loaded from registry data. These may include any types of records (abstracts, pathology reports, etc). Typically, reference records only include records that have not been consolidated with other patient data in the registry’s main database. The consolidated patient data are represented as “patient sets”. These are data that have been consolidated from abstracts, casefinding, pathology, and other records submitted to the registry.

    1. Facility and Physician Reference Data

  1. The Facility and Physician search tabs can be used to search for data loaded from registry data. These are typically the same facilities and physicians are available in lookups; and the same fields may be available in both the reference data search and lookups. However, registry configuration settings control the reference search tabs and lookups. It is possible that certain criteria will be used to exclude physicians or facilities from lookups (for example, inactive facilities might be excluded). Registry configuration settings also determine the fields shown in both the reference data search and lookup.

  2. The screenshot below shows the default Facility search tab. No search criteria are provided, so all the available facilities are displayed.

  1. The screenshot below shows the default Physician search tab. The search criteria are any license number containing “XYZ-6”.

Which fields is search and how (perfect match, starts with or fuzzy search) depends on your registry’s configuration. You can review the search criteria for your registry by clicking the question mark icon above the Rest button.

SEER*Rx Drugs and Regimens

  1. The SEER*Rx Drugs and Regimens are available in the Search page. By default no drug is displayed. Click Search without providing a search term to display all the drugs.

To search for a particular drug or regimen:

  1. Type one or several words in the Search Text.

  2. Type Enter or click the Search button.

  3. The results are displayed on the left side of the window; they are sorted by relevance to the search terms. The first result is selected by default; to view other drugs or regimens, use the up and down arrows to browse the list of results.

  4. The drug or regimen selected in the Results list is shown on the right side of the window. The search terms found in the fields are displayed in red. The search is based on

    1. Which field(s) contained the terms (a term found in the Generic Name will yield a higher score than one found in the Remarks for example).

    2. How many times the term was found in the field(s).

    3. Whether the terms was a perfect match to the field(s), or if the field(s) started with the term, or if the term was only contained in the field(s).

  5. By default, if several terms are provided, they will all be required in search fields (this is an AND’ed query). To require any term instead (an OR’ed query), uncheck the Required all terms checkbox. The terms are separated by a space; to search for a term containing a space, enclose it with double quotes.

  6. To limit the search to drugs only, unselect the Search Regimens checkbox.

  7. To limit the search to regimens only, unselect the Search Drugs checkbox.

The following screenshot shows a drug found for the term “adreno”.

  1. A complex algorithm is used to search the different fields contained in the drugs and regimens. To view which fields are searched and their corresponding weight, click the question mark button on top of the Reset button.

  2. Regimens are displayed differently than the drugs; since they represent a set of drugs, the information panel shows which drugs make up the regimen. The following screenshot shows a regimen found for the term “AC”.

  3. Since the information panel can contain a lot of data, it might scroll. Therefore it is sometimes useful to be able to hide the Results panel and show the information on the full screen. To accomplish that use the Ctrl+< shortcut to hide the results (to extend the information panel to the left) and Ctrl+| to show it again (to come back to a split view). You can always change the amount of horizontal space that each panel uses by dragging the separation between them to the left or to the right.

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