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Todd Lammle CCNA Routing and Switching

The Benefits and Uses of IPv6

So what’s so fabulous about IPv6? Is it really the answer to our coming

dilemma? Is it really worth it to upgrade from IPv4? All good questions—

you may even think of a few more. Of course, there’s going to be that

group of people with the time-tested “resistance to change syndrome,”

but don’t listen to them. If we had done that years ago, we’d still be

waiting weeks, even months for our mail to arrive via horseback. Instead,

just know that the answer is a resounding yes, it is really the answer, and

it is worth the upgrade! Not only does IPv6 give us lots of addresses (3.4

× 10


= definitely enough), there are tons of other features built into this

version that make it well worth the cost, time, and effort required to

migrate to it.

Today’s networks, as well as the Internet, have a ton of unforeseen

requirements that simply weren’t even considerations when IPv4 was

created. We’ve tried to compensate with a collection of add-ons that can

actually make implementing them more difficult than they would be if

they were required by a standard. By default, IPv6 has improved upon

and included many of those features as standard and mandatory. One of

these sweet new standards is IPsec—a feature that provides end-to-end


But it’s the efficiency features that are really going to rock the house! For

starters, the headers in an IPv6 packet have half the fields, and they are

aligned to 64 bits, which gives us some seriously souped-up processing

speed. Compared to IPv4, lookups happen at light speed! Most of the

information that used to be bound into the IPv4 header was taken out,

and now you can choose to put it, or parts of it, back into the header in

the form of optional extension headers that follow the basic header fields.

And of course there’s that whole new universe of addresses—the 3.4 ×



I just mentioned—but where did we get them? Did some genie just

suddenly arrive and make them magically appear? That huge

proliferation of addresses had to come from somewhere! Well it just so

happens that IPv6 gives us a substantially larger address space, meaning

the address itself is a whole lot bigger—four times bigger as a matter of

fact! An IPv6 address is actually 128 bits in length, and no worries—I’m

going to break down the address piece by piece and show you exactly

what it looks like coming up in the section “IPv6 Addressing and

Expressions.” For now, let me just say that all that additional room

permits more levels of hierarchy inside the address space and a more

flexible addressing architecture. It also makes routing much more

efficient and scalable because the addresses can be aggregated a lot more

effectively. And IPv6 also allows multiple addresses for hosts and

networks. This is especially important for enterprises veritably drooling

for enhanced access and availability. Plus, the new version of IP now

includes an expanded use of multicast communication—one device

sending to many hosts or to a select group—that joins in to seriously

boost efficiency on networks because communications will be more


IPv4 uses broadcasts quite prolifically, causing a bunch of problems, the

worst of which is of course the dreaded broadcast storm. This is that

uncontrolled deluge of forwarded broadcast traffic that can bring an

entire network to its knees and devour every last bit of bandwidth!

Another nasty thing about broadcast traffic is that it interrupts each and

every device on the network. When a broadcast is sent out, every machine

has to stop what it’s doing and respond to the traffic whether the

broadcast is relevant to it or not.

But smile assuredly, everyone. There’s no such thing as a broadcast in

IPv6 because it uses multicast traffic instead. And there are two other

types of communications as well: unicast, which is the same as it is in

IPv4, and a new type called anycast. Anycast communication allows the

same address to be placed on more than one device so that when traffic is

sent to the device service addressed in this way, it’s routed to the nearest

host that shares the same address. And this is just the beginning—we’ll

get into the various types of communication later in the section called

“Address Types.”

IPv6 Addressing and Expressions

Just as understanding how IP addresses are structured and used is

critical with IPv4 addressing, it’s also vital when it comes to IPv6. You’ve

already read about the fact that at 128 bits, an IPv6 address is much

larger than an IPv4 address. Because of this, as well as the new ways the

addresses can be used, you’ve probably guessed that IPv6 will be more

complicated to manage. But no worries! As I said, I’ll break down the

basics and show you what the address looks like and how you can write it

as well as many of its common uses. It’s going to be a little weird at first,

but before you know it, you’ll have it nailed!

So let’s take a look at

Figure 14.1

, which has a sample IPv6 address

broken down into sections.


IPv6 address example

As you can clearly see, the address is definitely much larger. But what else

is different? Well, first, notice that it has eight groups of numbers instead

of four and also that those groups are separated by colons instead of

periods. And hey, wait a second . . . there are letters in that address! Yep,

the address is expressed in hexadecimal just like a MAC address is, so you

could say this address has eight 16-bit hexadecimal colon-delimited

blocks. That’s already quite a mouthful, and you probably haven’t even

tried to say the address out loud yet!

There are four hexadecimal characters (16 bits) in each IPv6

field (with eight fields total), separated by colons.

Shortened Expression

The good news is there are a few tricks to help rescue us when writing

these monster addresses. For one thing, you can actually leave out parts

of the address to abbreviate it, but to get away with doing that you have to

follow a couple of rules. First, you can drop any leading zeros in each of

the individual blocks. After you do that, the sample address from earlier

would then look like this:


That’s a definite improvement—at least we don’t have to write all of those

extra zeros! But what about whole blocks that don’t have anything in

them except zeros? Well, we can kind of lose those too—at least some of

them. Again referring to our sample address, we can remove the two

consecutive blocks of zeros by replacing them with a doubled colon, like



Cool—we replaced the blocks of all zeros with a doubled colon. The rule

you have to follow to get away with this is that you can replace only one

contiguous block of such zeros in an address. So if my address has four

blocks of zeros and each of them were separated, I just don’t get to

replace them all because I can replace only one contiguous block with a

doubled colon. Check out this example:


And just know that you can’t do this:


Instead, the best you can do is this:


The reason the preceding example is our best shot is that if we remove

two sets of zeros, the device looking at the address will have no way of

knowing where the zeros go back in. Basically, the router would look at

the incorrect address and say, “Well, do I place two blocks into the first

set of doubled colons and two into the second set, or do I place three

blocks into the first set and one block into the second set?” And on and on

it would go because the information the router needs just isn’t there.

Address Types

We’re all familiar with IPv4’s unicast, broadcast, and multicast addresses

that basically define who or at least how many other devices we’re talking

to. But as I mentioned, IPv6 modifies that trio and introduces the

anycast. Broadcasts, as we know them, have been eliminated in IPv6

because of their cumbersome inefficiency and basic tendency to drive us


So let’s find out what each of these types of IPv6 addressing and

communication methods do for us:

Unicast Packets addressed to a unicast address are delivered to a single

interface. For load balancing, multiple interfaces across several devices

can use the same address, but we’ll call that an anycast address. There are

a few different types of unicast addresses, but we don’t need to get further

into that here.

Global unicast addresses (2000::/3) These are your typical publicly

routable addresses and they’re the same as in IPv4. Global addresses start

at 2000::/3.

Figure 14.2

shows how a unicast address breaks down. The

ISP can provide you with a minimum /48 network ID, which in turn

provides you 16-bits to create a unique 64-bit router interface address.

The last 64-bits are the unique host ID.


IPv6 global unicast addresses

Link-local addresses (FE80::/10) These are like the Automatic

Private IP Address (APIPA) addresses that Microsoft uses to

automatically provide addresses in IPv4 in that they’re not meant to be

routed. In IPv6 they start with FE80::/10, as shown in

Figure 14.3

. Think

of these addresses as handy tools that give you the ability to throw a

temporary LAN together for meetings or create a small LAN that’s not

going to be routed but still needs to share and access files and services



IPv6 link local FE80::/10: The first 10 bits define the

address type.

Unique local addresses (FC00::/7) These addresses are also

intended for nonrouting purposes over the Internet, but they are nearly

globally unique, so it’s unlikely you’ll ever have one of them overlap.

Unique local addresses were designed to replace site-local addresses, so

they basically do almost exactly what IPv4 private addresses do: allow

communication throughout a site while being routable to multiple local

networks. Site-local addresses were deprecated as of September 2004.

Multicast (FF00::/8) Again, as in IPv4, packets addressed to a

multicast address are delivered to all interfaces tuned into the multicast

address. Sometimes people call them “one-to-many” addresses. It’s really

easy to spot a multicast address in IPv6 because they always start with

FF. We’ll get deeper into multicast operation coming up, in “How IPv6

Works in an Internetwork.”

Anycast Like multicast addresses, an anycast address identifies multiple

interfaces on multiple devices. But there’s a big difference: the anycast

packet is delivered to only one device—actually, to the closest one it finds

defined in terms of routing distance. And again, this address is special

because you can apply a single address to more than one host. These are

referred to as “one-to-nearest” addresses. Anycast addresses are typically

only configured on routers, never hosts, and a source address could never

be an anycast address. Of note is that the IETF did reserve the top 128

addresses for each /64 for use with anycast addresses.

You’re probably wondering if there are any special, reserved addresses in

IPv6 because you know they’re there in IPv4. Well there are—plenty of

them! Let’s go over those now.

Special Addresses

I’m going to list some of the addresses and address ranges (in

Table 14.1


that you should definitely make sure to remember because you’ll

eventually use them. They’re all special or reserved for a specific use, but

unlike IPv4, IPv6 gives us a galaxy of addresses, so reserving a few here

and there doesn’t hurt at all!

TABLE 14.1

Special IPv6 addresses




Equals ::. This is the equivalent of IPv4’s and is typically the source address of

a host before the host receives an IP address

when you’re using DHCP-driven stateful



Equals ::1. The equivalent of in


0:0:0:0:0:0: This is how an IPv4 address would be written

in a mixed IPv6/IPv4 network environment.


The global unicast address range.


The unique local unicast range.


The link-local unicast range.


The multicast range.


Reserved for examples and documentation.


Also reserved for examples and



Used with 6-to-4 tunneling, which is an IPv4-

to-IPv6 transition system. The structure

allows IPv6 packets to be transmitted over an

IPv4 network without the need to configure

explicit tunnels.

When you run IPv4 and IPv6 on a router, you have what is

called “dual-stack.”

Let me show you how IPv6 actually works in an internetwork. We all

know how IPv4 works, so let’s see what’s new!

How IPv6 Works in an Internetwork

It’s time to explore the finer points of IPv6. A great place to start is by

showing you how to address a host and what gives it the ability to find

other hosts and resources on a network.

I’ll also demonstrate a device’s ability to automatically address itself—

something called stateless autoconfiguration—plus another type of

autoconfiguration known as stateful. Keep in mind that stateful

autoconfiguration uses a DHCP server in a very similar way to how it’s

used in an IPv4 configuration. I’ll also show you how Internet Control

Message Protocol (ICMP) and multicasting works for us in an IPv6

network environment.

Manual Address Assignment

In order to enable IPv6 on a router, you have to use the

ipv6 unicast-


global configuration command:


ipv6 unicast-routing

By default, IPv6 traffic forwarding is disabled, so using this command

enables it. Also, as you’ve probably guessed, IPv6 isn’t enabled by default

on any interfaces either, so we have to go to each interface individually

and enable it.

There are a few different ways to do this, but a really easy way is to just

add an address to the interface. You use the interface configuration


ipv6 address


to get

this done.

Here’s an example:


ipv6 address 2001:db8:3c4d:1:0260:d6FF.FE73:1987/64

You can specify the entire 128-bit global IPv6 address as I just

demonstrated with the preceding command, or you can use the EUI-64

option. Remember, the EUI-64 (extended unique identifier) format

allows the device to use its MAC address and pad it to make the interface

ID. Check it out:


ipv6 address 2001:db8:3c4d:1::/64 eui-64

As an alternative to typing in an IPv6 address on a router, you can enable

the interface instead to permit the application of an automatic link-local


To configure a router so that it uses only link-local addresses, use the



interface configuration command:


ipv6 enable

Remember, if you have only a link-local address, you will be

able to communicate only on that local subnet.

Stateless Autoconfiguration (eui-64)

Autoconfiguration is an especially useful solution because it allows

devices on a network to address themselves with a link-local unicast

address as well as with a global unicast address. This process happens

through first learning the prefix information from the router and then

appending the device’s own interface address as the interface ID. But

where does it get that interface ID? Well, you know every device on an

Ethernet network has a physical MAC address, which is exactly what’s

used for the interface ID. But since the interface ID in an IPv6 address is

64 bits in length and a MAC address is only 48 bits, where do the extra 16

bits come from? The MAC address is padded in the middle with the extra

bits—it’s padded with FFFE.

For example, let’s say I have a device with a MAC address that looks like

this: 0060:d673:1987. After it’s been padded, it would look like this:


Figure 14.4

illustrates what an EUI-64 address

looks like.


EUI-64 interface ID assignment

So where did that 2 in the beginning of the address come from? Another

good question. You see that part of the process of padding, called

modified EUI-64 format, changes a bit to specify if the address is locally

unique or globally unique. And the bit that gets changed is the 7th bit in

the address.

The reason for modifying the U/L bit is that, when using manually

assigned addresses on an interface, it means you can simply assign the

address 2001:db8:1:9::1/64 instead of the much longer

2001:db8:1:9:0200::1/64. Also, if you are going to manually assign a

link-local address, you can assign the short address fe80::1 instead of the

long fe80::0200:0:0:1 or fe80:0:0:0:0200::1. So, even though at first

glance it seems the IETF made this harder for you to simply understand

IPv6 addressing by flipping the 7th bit, in reality this made addressing

much simpler. Also, since most people don’t typically override the

burned-in address, the U/L bit is a 0, which means that you’ll see this

inverted to a 1 most of the time. But because you’re studying the Cisco

exam objectives, you’ll need to look at inverting it both ways.

Here are a few examples:

MAC address 0090:2716:fd0f

IPv6 EUI-64 address: 2001:0db8:0:1:0290:27ff:fe16:fd0f

That one was easy! Too easy for the Cisco exam, so let’s do another:

MAC address aa12:bcbc:1234

IPv6 EUI-64 address: 2001:0db8:0:1:a812:bcff:febc:1234

10101010 represents the first 8 bits of the MAC address (aa), which

when inverting the 7th bit becomes 10101000. The answer becomes

A8. I can’t tell you how important this is for you to understand, so

bear with me and work through a couple more!

MAC address 0c0c:dede:1234

IPv6 EUI-64 address: 2001:0db8:0:1:0e0c:deff:fede:1234

0c is 00001100 in the first 8 bits of the MAC address, which then

becomes 00001110 when flipping the 7th bit. The answer is then 0e.

Let’s practice one more:

MAC address 0b34:ba12:1234

IPv6 EUI-64 address: 2001:0db8:0:1:0934:baff:fe12:1234

0b in binary is 00001011, the first 8 bits of the MAC address, which

then becomes 00001001. The answer is 09.

Pay extra-special attention to this EUI-64 address assignment

and be able to convert the 7th bit based on the EUI-64 rules! Written

Lab 14.2 will help you practice this.

To perform autoconfiguration, a host goes through a basic two-step


1.  First, the host needs the prefix information, similar to the network

portion of an IPv4 address, to configure its interface, so it sends a

router solicitation (RS) request for it. This RS is then sent out as a

multicast to all routers (FF02::2). The actual information being sent is

a type of ICMP message, and like everything in networking, this ICMP

message has a number that identifies it. The RS message is ICMP type


2.  The router answers back with the required prefix information via a

router advertisement (RA). An RA message also happens to be a

multicast packet that’s sent to the all-nodes multicast address

(FF02::1) and is ICMP type 134. RA messages are sent on a periodic

basis, but the host sends the RS for an immediate response so it

doesn’t have to wait until the next scheduled RA to get what it needs.

These two steps are shown in

Figure 14.5



Two steps to IPv6 autoconfiguration

By the way, this type of autoconfiguration is also known as stateless

autoconfiguration because it doesn’t contact or connect to and receive

any further information from the other device. We’ll get to stateful

configuration when we talk about DHCPv6 next.

But before we do that, first take a look at

Figure 14.6

. In this figure, the

Branch router needs to be configured, but I just don’t feel like typing in

an IPv6 address on the interface connecting to the Corp router. I also

don’t feel like typing in any routing commands, but I need more than a

link-local address on that interface, so I’m going to have to do something!

So basically, I want to have the Branch router work with IPv6 on the

internetwork with the least amount of effort from me. Let’s see if I can get

away with that.


IPv6 autoconfiguration example

Ah ha—there is an easy way! I love IPv6 because it allows me to be

relatively lazy when dealing with some parts of my network, yet it still

works really well. By using the command

ipv6 address autoconfig

, the

interface will listen for RAs and then, via the EUI-64 format, it will assign

itself a global address—sweet!

This is all really great, but you’re hopefully wondering what that


is doing there at the end of the command. If so, good catch! It happens to

be a wonderful, optional part of the command that smoothly delivers a

default route received from the Corp router, which will be automatically

injected into my routing table and set as the default route—so easy!

DHCPv6 (Stateful)

DHCPv6 works pretty much the same way DHCP does in v4, with the

obvious difference that it supports IPv6’s new addressing scheme. And it

might come as a surprise, but there are a couple of other options that

DHCP still provides for us that autoconfiguration doesn’t. And no, I’m

not kidding— in autoconfiguration, there’s absolutely no mention of DNS

servers, domain names, or many of the other options that DHCP has

always generously provided for us via IPv4. This is a big reason that the

odds favor DHCP’s continued use into the future in IPv6 at least partially

—maybe even most of the time!

Upon booting up in IPv4, a client sends out a DHCP Discover message

looking for a server to give it the information it needs. But remember, in

IPv6, the RS and RA process happens first, so if there’s a DHCPv6 server

on the network, the RA that comes back to the client will tell it if DHCP is

available for use. If a router isn’t found, the client will respond by sending

out a DHCP Solicit message, which is actually a multicast message

addressed with a destination of ff02::1:2 that calls out, “All DHCP agents,

both servers and relays.”

It’s good to know that there’s some support for DHCPv6 in the Cisco IOS

even though it’s limited. This rather miserly support is reserved for

stateless DHCP servers and tells us it doesn’t offer any address

management of the pool or the options available for configuring that

address pool other than the DNS, domain name, default gateway, and SIP


This means that you’re definitely going to need another server around to

supply and dispense all the additional, required information—maybe to

even manage the address assignment, if needed!

Remember for the objectives that both stateless and stateful

autoconfiguration can dynamically assign IPv6 addresses.

IPv6 Header

An IPv4 header is 20 bytes long, so since an IPv6 address is four times

the size of IPv4 at 128 bits, its header must then be 80 bytes long, right?

That makes sense and is totally intuitive, but it’s also completely wrong!

When IPv6 designers devised the header, they created fewer, streamlined

fields that would also result in a faster routed protocol at the same time.

Let’s take a look at the streamlined IPv6 header using

Figure 14.7



IPv6 header

The basic IPv6 header contains eight fields, making it only twice as large

as an IP header at 40 bytes. Let’s zoom in on these fields:

Version This 4-bit field contains the number 6, instead of the number 4

as in IPv4.

Traffic Class This 8-bit field is like the Type of Service (ToS) field in


Flow Label This new field, which is 24 bits long, is used to mark packets

and traffic flows. A flow is a sequence of packets from a single source to a

single destination host, an anycast or multicast address. The field enables

efficient IPv6 flow classification.

Payload Length IPv4 had a total length field delimiting the length of

the packet. IPv6’s payload length describes the length of the payload only.

Next Header Since there are optional extension headers with IPv6, this

field defines the next header to be read. This is in contrast to IPv4, which

demands static headers with each packet.

Hop Limit This field specifies the maximum number of hops that an

IPv6 packet can traverse.

For objectives remember that the Hop Limit field is equivalent

to the TTL field in IPv4’s header, and the Extension header (after the

destination address and not shown in the figure) is used instead of the

IPv4 Fragmentation field.

Source Address This field of 16 bytes, or 128 bits, identifies the source

of the packet.

Destination Address This field of 16 bytes, or 128 bits, identifies the

destination of the packet.

There are also some optional extension headers following these eight

fields, which carry other Network layer information. These header

lengths are not a fixed number—they’re of variable size.

So what’s different in the IPv6 header from the IPv4 header? Let’s look at


The Internet Header Length field was removed because it is no longer

required. Unlike the variable-length IPv4 header, the IPv6 header is

fixed at 40 bytes.

Fragmentation is processed differently in IPv6 and does not need the

Flags field in the basic IPv4 header. In IPv6, routers no longer process

fragmentation; the host is responsible for fragmentation.

The Header Checksum field at the IP layer was removed because most

Data Link layer technologies already perform checksum and error

control, which forces formerly optional upper-layer checksums (UDP,

for example) to become mandatory.

For the objectives, remember that unlike IPv4 headers, IPv6

headers have a fixed length, use an extension header instead of the

IPv4 Fragmentation field, and eliminate the IPv4 checksum field.

It’s time to move on to talk about another IPv4 familiar face and find out

how a certain very important, built-in protocol has evolved in IPv6.


IPv4 used the ICMP workhorse for lots of tasks, including error messages

like destination unreachable and troubleshooting functions like Ping and

Traceroute. ICMPv6 still does those things for us, but unlike its

predecessor, the v6 flavor isn’t implemented as a separate layer 3

protocol. Instead, it’s an integrated part of IPv6 and is carried after the

basic IPv6 header information as an extension header. And ICMPv6 gives

us another really cool feature—by default, it prevents IPv6 from doing

any fragmentation through an ICMPv6 process called path MTU


Figure 14.8

shows how ICMPv6 has evolved to become part of

the IPv6 packet itself.



The ICMPv6 packet is identified by the value 58 in the Next Header field,

located inside the ICMPv6 packet. The Type field identifies the particular

kind of ICMP message that’s being carried, and the Code field further

details the specifics of the message. The Data field contains the ICMPv6


Table 14.2

shows the ICMP Type codes.

TABLE 14.2

ICMPv6 types

ICMPv6 Type Description


Destination Unreachable


Echo Request


Echo Reply


Router Solicitation


Router Advertisement


Neighbor Solicitation


Neighbor Advertisement

And this is how it works: The source node of a connection sends a packet

that’s equal to the MTU size of its local link’s MTU. As this packet

traverses the path toward its destination, any link that has an MTU

smaller than the size of the current packet will force the intermediate

router to send a “packet too big” message back to the source machine.

This message tells the source node the maximum size the restrictive link

will allow and asks the source to send a new, scaled-down packet that can

pass through. This process will continue until the destination is finally

reached, with the source node now sporting the new path’s MTU. So now,

when the rest of the data packets are transmitted, they’ll be protected

from fragmentation.

ICMPv6 is used for router solicitation and advertisement, for neighbor

solicitation and advertisement (i.e., finding the MAC data addresses for

IPv6 neighbors), and for redirecting the host to the best router (default


Neighbor Discovery (NDP)

ICMPv6 also takes over the task of finding the address of other devices on

the local link. The Address Resolution Protocol is used to perform this

function for IPv4, but that’s been renamed neighbor discovery (ND) in

ICMPv6. This process is now achieved via a multicast address called the

solicited-node address because all hosts join this multicast group upon

connecting to the network.

Neighbor discovery enables these functions:

Determining the MAC address of neighbors

Router solicitation (RS) FF02::2 type code 133

Router advertisements (RA) FF02::1 type code 134

Neighbor solicitation (NS) Type code 135

Neighbor advertisement (NA) Type code 136

Duplicate address detection (DAD)

The part of the IPv6 address designated by the 24 bits farthest to the right

is added to the end of the multicast address FF02:0:0:0:0:1:FF/104

prefix and is referred to as the solicited-node address. When this address

is queried, the corresponding host will send back its layer 2 address.

Devices can find and keep track of other neighbor devices on the network

in pretty much the same way. When I talked about RA and RS messages

earlier and told you that they use multicast traffic to request and send

address information, that too is actually a function of ICMPv6—

specifically, neighbor discovery.

In IPv4, the protocol IGMP was used to allow a host device to tell its local

router that it was joining a multicast group and would like to receive the

traffic for that group. This IGMP function has been replaced by ICMPv6,

and the process has been renamed multicast listener discovery.

With IPv4, our hosts could have only one default gateway configured, and

if that router went down we had to either fix the router, change the

default gateway, or run some type of virtual default gateway with other

protocols created as a solution for this inadequacy in IPv4.

Figure 14.9

shows how IPv6 devices find their default gateways using neighbor



Router solicitation (RS) and router advertisement (RA)

IPv6 hosts send a router solicitation (RS) onto their data link asking for

all routers to respond, and they use the multicast address FF02::2 to

achieve this. Routers on the same link respond with a unicast to the

requesting host, or with a router advertisement (RA) using FF02::1.

But that’s not all! Hosts also can send solicitations and advertisements

between themselves using a neighbor solicitation (NS) and neighbor

advertisement (NA), as shown in

Figure 14.10

. Remember that RA and

RS gather or provide information about routers, and NS and NA gather

information about hosts. Remember that a “neighbor” is a host on the

same data link or VLAN.

FIGURE 14.10

Neighbor solicitation (NS) and neighbor advertisement


Solicited-Node and Multicast Mapping over Ethernet

If an IPv6 address is known, then the associated IPv6 solicited-node

multicast address is known, and if an IPv6 multicast address is known,

then the associated Ethernet MAC address is known.

For example, the IPv6 address 2001:DB8:2002:F:2C0:10FF:FE18:FC0F

will have a known solicited-node address of FF02::1:FF18:FC0F.

Now we’ll form the multicast Ethernet addresses by adding the last 32

bits of the IPv6 multicast address to 33:33.

For example, if the IPv6 solicited-node multicast address is

FF02::1:FF18:FC0F, the associated Ethernet MAC address is

33:33:FF:18:FC:0F and is a virtual address.

Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)

So what do you think are the odds that two hosts will assign themselves

the same random IPv6 address? Personally, I think you could probably

win the lotto every day for a year and still not come close to the odds

against two hosts on the same data link duplicating an IPv6 address! Still,

to make sure this doesn’t ever happen, duplicate address detection (DAD)

was created, which isn’t an actual protocol, but a function of the NS/NA


Figure 14.11

shows how a host sends an NDP NS when it

receives or creates an IPv6 address.

FIGURE 14.11

Duplicate address detection (DAD)

When hosts make up or receive an IPv6 address, they send three DADs

out via NDP NS asking if anyone has this same address. The odds are

unlikely that this will ever happen, but they ask anyway.

Remember for the objectives that ICMPv6 uses type 134 for

router advertisement messages, and the advertised prefix must be 64

bits in length.

IPv6 Routing Protocols

All of the routing protocols we’ve already discussed have been tweaked

and upgraded for use in IPv6 networks, so it figures that many of the

functions and configurations that you’ve already learned will be used in

almost the same way as they are now. Knowing that broadcasts have been

eliminated in IPv6, it’s safe to conclude that any protocols relying entirely

on broadcast traffic will go the way of the dodo. But unlike with the dodo,

it’ll be really nice to say goodbye to these bandwidth-hogging,

performance-annihilating little gremlins!

The routing protocols we’ll still use in IPv6 have been renovated and

given new names. Even though this chapter’s focus is on the Cisco exam

objectives, which cover only static and default routing, I want to discuss a

few of the more important ones too.

First on the list is the IPv6 RIPng (next generation). Those of you who’ve

been in IT for a while know that RIP has worked pretty well for us on

smaller networks. This happens to be the very reason it didn’t get

whacked and will still be around in IPv6. And we still have EIGRPv6

because EIGRP already had protocol-dependent modules and all we had

to do was add a new one to it to fit in nicely with the IPv6 protocol.

Rounding out our group of protocol survivors is OSPFv3—that’s not a

typo, it really is v3! OSPF for IPv4 was actually v2, so when it got its

upgrade to IPv6, it became OSPFv3. Lastly, for the new objectives, we’ll

list MP-BGP4 as a multiprotocol BGP-4 protocol for IPv6. Please

understand for the objectives at this point in the book, we only need to

understand static and default routing.

Static Routing with IPv6

Okay, now don’t let the heading of this section scare you into looking on for some job that has nothing to do with networking! I

know that static routing has always run a chill up our collective spines

because it’s cumbersome, difficult, and really easy to screw up. And I

won’t lie to you—it’s certainly not any easier with IPv6’s longer addresses,

but you can do it!

We know that to make static routing work, whether in IP or IPv6, you

need these three tools:

An accurate, up-to-date network map of your entire internetwork

Next-hop address and exit interface for each neighbor connection

All the remote subnet IDs

Of course, we don’t need to have any of these for dynamic routing, which

is why we mostly use dynamic routing. It’s just so awesome to have the

routing protocol do all that work for us by finding all the remote subnets

and automatically placing them into the routing table!

Figure 14.12

shows a really good example of how to use static routing with

IPv6. It really doesn’t have to be that hard, but just as with IPv4, you

absolutely need an accurate network map to make static routing work!

FIGURE 14.12

IPv6 static and default routing

So here’s what I did: First, I created a static route on the Corp router to

the remote network 2001:1234:4321:1::/64 using the next hop address. I

could’ve just as easily used the Corp router’s exit interface. Next, I just set

up a default route for the Branch router with ::/0 and the Branch exit

interface of Gi0/0—not so bad!

Configuring IPv6 on Our Internetwork

We’re going to continue working on the same internetwork we’ve been

configuring throughout this book, as shown in

Figure 14.13

. Let’s add

IPv6 to the Corp, SF, and LA routers by using a simple subnet scheme of

11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. After that, we’ll add the OSPFv3 routing protocol.

Notice in

Figure 14.13

how the subnet numbers are the same on each end

of the WAN links. Keep in mind that we’ll finish this chapter by running

through some verification commands.

As usual, I’ll start with the Corp router:


config t


ipv6 unicast-routing


int f0/0


ipv6 address 2001:db8:3c4d:11::/64 eui-64


int s0/0


ipv6 address 2001:db8:3c4d:12::/64 eui-64


int s0/1


ipv6 address 2001:db8:3c4d:13::/64 eui-64




copy run start

Destination filename [startup-config]?


Building configuration...


FIGURE 14.13

Our internetwork

Pretty simple! In the previous configuration, I only changed the subnet

address for each interface slightly. Let’s take a look at the routing table



do sho ipv6 route

C 2001:DB8:3C4D:11::/64 [0/0]

via ::, FastEthernet0/0

L 2001:DB8:3C4D:11:20D:BDFF:FE3B:D80/128 [0/0]

via ::, FastEthernet0/0

C 2001:DB8:3C4D:12::/64 [0/0]

via ::, Serial0/0

L 2001:DB8:3C4D:12:20D:BDFF:FE3B:D80/128 [0/0]

via ::, Serial0/0

C 2001:DB8:3C4D:13::/64 [0/0]

via ::, Serial0/1

L 2001:DB8:3C4D:13:20D:BDFF:FE3B:D80/128 [0/0]

via ::, Serial0/1

L FE80::/10 [0/0]

via ::, Null0

L FF00::/8 [0/0]

via ::, Null0


Alright, but what’s up with those two addresses for each interface? One

shows C for connected, one shows L. The connected address indicates the

IPv6 address I configured on each interface and the L is the link-local

that’s been automatically assigned. Notice in the link-local address that

the FF:FE is inserted into the address to create the EUI-64 address.

Let’s configure the SF router now:


config t


ipv6 unicast-routing


int s0/0/0


ipv6 address 2001:db8:3c4d:12::/64

% 2001:DB8:3C4D:12::/64 should not be configured on Serial0/0/0, a

subnet router anycast


ipv6 address 2001:db8:3c4d:12::/64 eui-64


int fa0/0


ipv6 address 2001:db8:3c4d:14::/64 eui-64




show ipv6 route

C 2001:DB8:3C4D:12::/64 [0/0]

via ::, Serial0/0/0

L 2001:DB8:3C4D:12::/128 [0/0]

via ::, Serial0/0/0

L 2001:DB8:3C4D:12:21A:2FFF:FEE7:4398/128 [0/0]

via ::, Serial0/0/0

C 2001:DB8:3C4D:14::/64 [0/0]

via ::, FastEthernet0/0

L 2001:DB8:3C4D:14:21A:2FFF:FEE7:4398/128 [0/0]

via ::, FastEthernet0/0

L FE80::/10 [0/0]

via ::, Null0

L FF00::/8 [0/0]

via ::, Null0

Did you notice that I used the exact IPv6 subnet addresses on each side of

the serial link? Good . . . but wait—what’s with that anycast error I

received when trying to configure the interfaces on the SF router? I didn’t

meant to create that error; it happened because I forgot to add the


at the end of the address. Still, what’s behind that error? An anycast

address is a host address of all 0s, meaning the last 64 bits are all off, but

by typing in


without the


, I was telling the interface that the

unique identifier would be nothing but zeros, and that’s not allowed!

Let’s configure the LA router now, and then add OSPFv3:


config t


ipv6 unicast-routing


int s0/0/1


ipv6 address 2001:db8:3c4d:13::/64 eui-64


int f0/0


ipv6 address 2001:db8:3c4d:15::/64 eui-64


do show ipv6 route

C 2001:DB8:3C4D:13::/64 [0/0]

via ::, Serial0/0/1

L 2001:DB8:3C4D:13:21A:6CFF:FEA1:1F48/128 [0/0]

via ::, Serial0/0/1

C 2001:DB8:3C4D:15::/64 [0/0]

via ::, FastEthernet0/0

L 2001:DB8:3C4D:15:21A:6CFF:FEA1:1F48/128 [0/0]

via ::, FastEthernet0/0

L FE80::/10 [0/0]

via ::, Null0

L FF00::/8 [0/0]

via ::, Null0

This looks good, but I want you to notice that I used the exact same IPv6

subnet addresses on each side of the links from the Corp router to the SF

router as well as from the Corp to the LA router.

Configuring Routing on Our Internetwork

I’ll start at the Corp router and add simple static routes. Check it out:


ipv6 route 2001:db8:3c4d:14::/64

2001:DB8:3C4D:12:21A:2FFF:FEE7:4398 150


ipv6 route 2001:DB8:3C4D:15::/64 s0/1 150


do sho ipv6 route static

[output cut]

S 2001:DB8:3C4D:14::/64 [150/0]

via 2001:DB8:3C4D:12:21A:2FFF:FEE7:4398

Okay—I agree that first static route line was pretty long because I used

the next-hop address, but notice that I used the exit interface on the

second entry. But it still wasn’t really all that hard to create the longer

static route entry. I just went to the SF router, used the command


ipv6 int brief

, and then copied and pasted the interface address used

for the next hop. You’ll get used to IPv6 addresses (You’ll get used to

doing a lot of copy/paste moves!).

Now since I put an AD of 150 on the static routes, once I configure a

routing protocol such as OSPF, they’ll be replaced with an OSPF injected

route. Let’s go to the SF and LA routers and put a single entry in each

router to get to remote subnet 11.


ipv6 route 2001:db8:3c4d:11::/64 s0/0/0 150

That’s it! I’m going to head over to LA and put a default route on that

router now:


ipv6 route ::/0 s0/0/1

Let’s take a peek at the Corp router’s routing table and see if our static

routes are in there.


sh ipv6 route static

[output cut]

S 2001:DB8:3C4D:14::/64 [150/0]

via 2001:DB8:3C4D:12:21A:2FFF:FEE7:4398

S 2001:DB8:3C4D:15::/64 [150/0]

via ::, Serial0/1

Voilà! I can see both of my static routes in the routing table, so IPv6 can

now route to those networks. But we’re not done because we still need to

test our network! First I’m going to go to the SF router and get the IPv6

address of the Fa0/0 interface:


sh ipv6 int brief

FastEthernet0/0 [up/up]



FastEthernet0/1 [administratively down/down]

Serial0/0/0 [up/up]



Next, I’m going to go back to the Corporate router and ping that remote

interface by copying and pasting in the address. No sense doing all that

typing when copy/paste works great!


ping ipv6 2001:DB8:3C4D:14:21A:2FFF:FEE7:4398

Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to

2001:DB8:3C4D:14:21A:2FFF:FEE7:4398, timeout is 2 seconds:


Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 0/0/0



We can see that static route worked, so next, I’ll go get the IPv6 address

of the LA router and ping that remote interface as well:


sh ipv6 int brief

FastEthernet0/0 [up/up]



Serial0/0/1 [up/up]



It’s time to head over to Corp and ping LA:


ping ipv6 2001:DB8:3C4D:15:21A:6CFF:FEA1:1F48

Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to

2001:DB8:3C4D:15:21A:6CFF:FEA1:1F48, timeout is 2 seconds:


Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/4/4



Now let’s use one of my favorite commands:


sh ipv6 int brief

FastEthernet0/0 [up/up]



Serial0/0 [up/up]



FastEthernet0/1 [administratively down/down]


Serial0/1 [up/up]



Loopback0 [up/up]



What a nice output! All our interfaces are


, and we can see the link-

local and assigned global address.

Static routing really isn’t so bad with IPv6! I’m not saying I’d like to do

this in a ginormous network—no way—I wouldn’t want to opt for doing

that with IPv4 either! But you can see that it can be done. Also, notice

how easy it was to ping an IPv6 address. Copy/paste really is your friend!

Before we finish the chapter, let’s add another router to our network and

connect it to the Corp Fa0/0 LAN. For our new router I really don’t feel

like doing any work, so I’ll just type this:


config t


int f0/0


ipv6 address autoconfig default

Nice and easy! This configures stateless autoconfiguration on the

interface, and the


keyword will advertise itself as the default

route for the local link!

I hope you found this chapter as rewarding as I did. The best thing you

can do to learn IPv6 is to get some routers and just go at it. Don’t give up

because it’s seriously worth your time!


This last chapter introduced you to some very key IPv6 structural

elements as well as how to make IPv6 work within a Cisco internetwork.

You now know that even when covering and configuring IPv6 basics,

there’s still a great deal to understand—and we just scratched the surface!

But you’re still well equipped with all you need to meet the Cisco exam


You learned the vital reasons why we need IPv6 and the benefits

associated with it.I covered IPv6 addressing and the importance of using

the shortened expressions. As I covered addressing with IPv6, I also

showed you the different address types, plus the special addresses

reserved in IPv6.

IPv6 will mostly be deployed automatically, meaning hosts will employ

autoconfiguration. I demonstrated how IPv6 utilizes autoconfiguration

and how it comes into play when configuring a Cisco router. You also

learned that in IPv6, we can and still should use a DHCP server to the

router to provide options to hosts just as we’ve been doing for years with

IPv4—not necessarily IPv6 addresses, but other mission-critical options

like providing a DNS server address.

From there, I discussed the evolution of some more integral and familiar

protocols like ICMP and OSPF. They’ve been upgraded to work in the

IPv6 environment, but these networking workhorses are still vital and

relevant to operations, and I detailed how ICMP works with IPv6,

followed by how to configure OSPFv3. I wrapped up this pivotal chapter

by demonstrating key methods to use when verifying that all is running

correctly in your IPv6 network. So take some time and work through all

the essential study material, espe cially the written labs, to ensure that

you meet your networking goals!

Exam Essentials

Understand why we need IPv6. Without IPv6, the world would be

depleted of IP addresses.

Understand link-local. Link-local is like an IPv4 private IP address,

but it can’t be routed at all, not even in your organization.

Understand unique local. This, like link-local, is like a private IP

address in IPv4 and cannot be routed to the Internet. However, the

difference between link-local and unique local is that unique local can be

routed within your organization or company.

Remember IPv6 addressing. IPv6 addressing is not like IPv4

addressing. IPv6 addressing has much more address space, is 128 bits

long, and represented in hexadecimal, unlike IPv4, which is only 32 bits

long and represented in decimal.

Understand and be able to read a EUI-64 address with the 7th

bit inverted. Hosts can use autoconfiguration to obtain an IPv6

address, and one of the ways it can do that is through what is called EUI-

64. This takes the unique MAC address of a host and inserts FF:FE in the

middle of the address to change a 48-bit MAC address to a 64-bit

interface ID. In addition to inserting the 16 bits into the interface ID, the

7th bit of the 1st byte is inverted, typically from a 0 to a 1. Practice this

with Written Lab 14.2.

Written Labs 14

In this section, you’ll complete the following labs to make sure you’ve got

the information and concepts contained within them fully dialed in:

Lab 14.1: IPv6

Lab 14.2: Converting EUI addresses

You can find the answers to these labs in Appendix A, “Answers to

Written Labs.”

Written Lab 14.1

In this section, write the answers to the following IPv6 questions:

1.  Which two ICMPv6 types are used for testing IPv6 reachability?

2.  What is the corresponding Ethernet address for


3.  Which type of address is not meant to be routed?

4.  What type of address is this: FE80::/10?

5.  Which type of address is meant to be delivered to multiple interfaces?

6.  Which type of address identifies multiple interfaces, but packets are

delivered only to the first address it finds?

7.  Which routing protocol uses multicast address FF02::5?

8.  IPv4 had a loopback address of What is the IPv6 loopback


9.  What does a link-local address always start with?

10.  Which IPv6 address is the all-router multicast group?

Written Lab 14.2

In this section, you will practice inverting the 7th bit of a EUI-64 address.

Use the prefix 2001:db8:1:1/64 for each address.

1.  Convert the following MAC address into a EUI-64 address:


2.  Convert the following MAC address into a EUI-64 address:


3.  Convert the following MAC address into a EUI-64 address:


4.  Convert the following MAC address into a EUI-64 address:


5.  Convert the following MAC address into a EUI-64 address:


Hands-on Labs

You’ll need at least three routers to complete these labs; five would be

better, but if you are using the LammleSim IOS version, then these lab

layouts are preconfigured for you. This section will have you configure the

following labs:

1.  Lab 14.1: Manual and Stateful Autoconfiguration

2.  Lab 14.2: Static and Default Routing

Here is our network:

Hands-on Lab 14.1: Manual and Stateful Autoconfiguration

In this lab, you will configure the C router with manual IPv6 addresses on

the Fa0/0 and Fa0/1 interfaces and then configure the other routers to

automatically assign themselves an IPv6 address.

1.  Log in to the C router and configure IPv6 addresses on each interface

based on the subnets (1 and 2) shown in the graphic.


ipv6 unicast-routing


int fa0/0


ipv6 address 2001:db8:3c4d:1::1/64


int fa0/1


ipv6 address 2001:db8:3c4d:2::1/64

2.  Verify the interfaces with the

show ipv6 route connected


sho ipv6

int brief



do show ipv6 route connected

[output cut]

C 2001:DB8:3C4D:1::/64 [0/0]

via ::, FastEthernet0/0

C 2001:DB8:3C4D:2::/64 [0/0]

via ::, FastEthernet0/0


sh ipv6 int brief

FastEthernet0/0 [up/up]



FastEthernet0/1 [up/up]



Loopback0 [up/up]


3.  Go to your other routers and configure the Fa0/0 on each router to

autoconfigure an IPv6 address.


ipv6 unicast-routing


int f0/0


ipv6 address autoconfig


no shut


ipv6 unicast-routing


int fa0/0


ipv6 address autoconfig


no shut


ipv6 unicast-routing


int fa0/0


ipv6 address autoconfig


no shut


ipv6 unicast-routing


int fa0/0


ipv6 address autoconfig


no shut

4.  Verify that your routers received an IPv6 address.


sh ipv6 int brief

FastEthernet0/0 [up/up]



Continue to verify your addresses on all your other routers.

Hands-on Lab 14.2: Static and Default Routing

Router C is directly connected to both subnets, so no routing of any type

needs to be configured. However, all the other routers are connected to

only one subnet, so at least one route needs to be configured on each


1.  On the A router, configure a static route to the 2001:db8:3c4d:2::/64



ipv6 route 2001:db8:3c4d:2::/64 fa0/0

2.  On the B router, configure a default route.


ipv6 route ::/0 fa0/0

3.  On the D router, create a static route to the remote subnet.


ipv6 route 2001:db8:3c4d:1::/64 fa0/0

4.  On the E router, create a static route to the remote subnet.


ipv6 route 2001:db8:3c4d:1::/64 fa0/0

5.  Verify your configurations with a

show running-config


show ipv6



6.  Ping from router D to router A. First, you need to get router A’s IPv6

address with a

show ipv6 int brief

command. Here is an example:


sh ipv6 int brief

FastEthernet0/0 [up/up]



7.  Now go to router D and ping the IPv6 address from router A:

D#ping ipv6 2001:DB8:3C4D:1:20D:BDFF:FE3B:C20

Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to

2001:DB8:3C4D:1:20D:BDFF:FE3B:C20, timeout is 2 seconds:


Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max =

0/2/4 ms

Review Questions

The following questions are designed to test your

understanding of this chapter’s material. For more information on

how to get additional questions, please see


The answers to these questions can be found in Appendix B, “Answers to

Chapter Review Questions.”

1.  How is an EUI-64 format interface ID created from a 48-bit MAC


A.  By appending 0xFF to the MAC address

B.  By prefixing the MAC address with 0xFFEE

C.  By prefixing the MAC address with 0xFF and appending 0xFF to it

D.  By inserting 0xFFFE between the upper 3 bytes and the lower 3

bytes of the MAC address

E.  By prefixing the MAC address with 0xF and inserting 0xF after

each of its first three bytes

2.  Which option is a valid IPv6 address?

A.  2001:0000:130F::099a::12a

B.  2002:7654:A1AD:61:81AF:CCC1

C.  FEC0:ABCD:WXYZ:0067::2A4

D.  2004:1:25A4:886F::1

3.  Which three statements about IPv6 prefixes are true? (Choose three.)

A.  FF00:/8 is used for IPv6 multicast.

B.  FE80::/10 is used for link-local unicast.

C.  FC00::/7 is used in private networks.

D.  2001::1/127 is used for loopback addresses.

E.  FE80::/8 is used for link-local unicast.

F.  FEC0::/10 is used for IPv6 broadcast.

4.  What are three approaches that are used when migrating from an

IPv4 addressing scheme to an IPv6 scheme? (Choose three.)

A.  Enable dual-stack routing.

B.  Configure IPv6 directly.

C.  Configure IPv4 tunnels between IPv6 islands.

D.  Use proxying and translation to translate IPv6 packets into IPv4


E.  Statically map IPv4 addresses to IPv6 addresses.

F.  Use DHCPv6 to map IPv4 addresses to IPv6 addresses.

5.  Which two statements about IPv6 router advertisement messages are

true? (Choose two.)

A.  They use ICMPv6 type 134.

B.  The advertised prefix length must be 64 bits.

C.  The advertised prefix length must be 48 bits.

D.  They are sourced from the configured IPv6 interface address.

E.  Their destination is always the link-local address of the

neighboring node.

6.  Which of the following is true when describing an IPv6 anycast


A.  One-to-many communication model

B.  One-to-nearest communication model

C.  Any-to-many communication model

D.  A unique IPv6 address for each device in the group

E.  The same address for multiple devices in the group

F.  Delivery of packets to the group interface that is closest to the

sending device

7.  You want to ping the loopback address of your IPv6 local host. What

will you type?






ping ::1


trace 0.0.::1

8.  What are three features of the IPv6 protocol? (Choose three.)

A.  Optional IPsec

B.  Autoconfiguration

C.  No broadcasts

D.  Complicated header

E.  Plug-and-play

F.  Checksums

9.  Which two statements describe characteristics of IPv6 unicast

addressing? (Choose two.)

A.  Global addresses start with 2000::/3.

B.  Link-local addresses start with FE00:/12.

C.  Link-local addresses start with FF00::/10.

D.  There is only one loopback address and it is ::1.

E.  If a global address is assigned to an interface, then that is the only

allowable address for the interface.

10.  A host sends a router solicitation (RS) on the data link. What

destination address is sent with this request?

A.  FF02::A

B.  FF02::9

C.  FF02::2

D.  FF02::1

E.  FF02::5

11.  What are two valid reasons for adopting IPv6 over IPv4? (Choose


A.  No broadcast

B.  Change of source address in the IPv6 header

C.  Change of destination address in the IPv6 header

D.  No password required for Telnet access

E.  Autoconfiguration


12.  A host sends a type of NDP message providing the MAC address that

was requested. Which type of NDP was sent?

A.  NA

B.  RS

C.  RA

D.  NS

13.  Which is known as “one-to-nearest” addressing in IPv6?

A.  Global unicast

B.  Anycast

C.  Multicast

D.  Unspecified address

14.  Which of the following statements about IPv6 addresses are true?

(Choose two.)

A.  Leading zeros are required.

B.  Two colons (::) are used to represent successive hexadecimal fields

of zeros.

C.  Two colons (::) are used to separate fields.

D.  A single interface will have multiple IPv6 addresses of different


15.  Which three ways are an IPv6 header simpler than an IPv4 header?

(Choose three.)

A.  Unlike IPv4 headers, IPv6 headers have a fixed length.

B.  IPv6 uses an extension header instead of the IPv4 Fragmentation


C.  IPv6 headers eliminate the IPv4 Checksum field.

D.  IPv6 headers use the Fragment Offset field in place of the IPv4

Fragmentation field.

E.  IPv6 headers use a smaller Option field size than IPv4 headers.

F.  IPv6 headers use a 4-bit TTL field, and IPv4 headers use an 8-bit

TTL field.

16.  Which of the following descriptions about IPv6 is correct?

A.  Addresses are not hierarchical and are assigned at random.

B.  Broadcasts have been eliminated and replaced with multicasts.

C.  There are 2.7 billion addresses.

D.  An interface can only be configured with one IPv6 address.

17.  How many bits are in an IPv6 address field?

A.  24

B.  4

C.  3

D.  16

E.  32

F.  128

18.  Which of the following correctly describe characteristics of IPv6

unicast addressing? (Choose two.)

A.  Global addresses start with 2000::/3.

B.  Link-local addresses start with FF00::/10.

C.  Link-local addresses start with FE00:/12.

D.  There is only one loopback address and it is ::1.

19.  Which of the following statements are true of IPv6 address

representation? (Choose two.)

A.  The first 64 bits represent the dynamically created interface ID.

B.  A single interface may be assigned multiple IPv6 addresses of any


C.  Every IPv6 interface contains at least one loopback address.

D.  Leading zeroes in an IPv6 16-bit hexadecimal field are mandatory.

20.  Which command enables IPv6 forwarding on a Cisco router?


ipv6 local


ipv6 host


ipv6 unicast-routing


ipv6 neighbor

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