Adjective clauses. An adjective clause is a dependent clause which functions as an adjective. It gives us further information about a
noun in the sentence. Another term fro this kind of clause is “relative clause”.
The car which has a ribbon on it is mine.
There are two kind of adjective clauses:
4) a restructive adjective clause;
5) a non-restructive adjective clause.
A restructive adlective clause limits or restricts the noun so that the speaker or listener doesn’t confuse thenoun
with any other nouns. A restrictive adjective clause is never used with commas.
A boy who wore white T-shirt and blue pants is my neighbour.
A non-restrictive adjective clause doesn’t restrict the noun from another onuns. It just adds further information to the
noun. It’s always used with commas.
The circle, which has a star in it, isused in religious ceremonies.
If the adjective clause describes a proper noun it is non-restrictive. Because a proper noun refers to a unique
person, place or thing.
A man who works in Nestle is usually late.
Tom, who works in Nestle, is usually late.