Southmead School Princes Way Wimbledon

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Southmead School

Princes Way


London SW19 6QT

Telephone: 020 8788 8901

Fax: 020 8788 8782



POST: Class Teacher

GRADE: Main Pay Scale
RESPONSIBLE TO: Head teacher

The duties and responsibilities of this post are to be carried out in accordance with the provision of the current School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD).

  1. Teaching and Learning

  1. To have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the National Curriculum.

  2. To plan and prepare programmes of work which meet the needs of the full range of children’s abilities in the class/group

  3. To identify clear objectives and expected outcomes for children’s learning, building upon their prior attainment, and adopt a range of strategies to meet their different learning styles

  4. To promote challenging standards of pupil achievement and set high expectations for behaviour, establishing positive relationships and a stimulating learning environment

  5. To provide effective teaching of whole classes, groups and individuals so that learning aims/objectives are met, momentum and challenge are maintained and best use is made of teaching time

  6. To use data effectively to identify pupils who are underachieving and, where necessary, create and implement effective plans of action to support those pupils and accelerate their progress

  7. To plan and prepare work using appropriate resources to make learning accessible to all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and children speaking English as an Additional Language

  8. To identify pupils who have special educational needs and work within the school SEN policy in order to give positive and targeted support and implement Individual Education Plans (IEPs)

  9. To use teaching strategies which engage pupils and stimulate an enjoyment of learning

  10. To demonstrate effective questioning and responses and promote pupil voice in lessons

  11. To select and make good use of learning resources, including ICT, which enable objectives to be met

  12. To manage resources appropriately in order to enable children to develop skills necessary for independent learning

  1. Assessment and Evaluation

  1. To assess, record and report the development, progress and attainment of pupils in accordance with the schools’ assessment and evaluation procedures

  2. To evaluate how well learning objectives have been achieved and use this evaluation to inform future planning and teaching

  3. To mark and monitor pupils’ class and homework providing constructive oral and written feedback and setting targets for pupils’ future progress

  4. To keep up to date the records for each pupil in the class as required by school policy

  5. To participate in arrangements, as appropriate, for preparing pupils for national assessments, recording and reporting results as required and participating in arrangements for pupils’ supervision at such times

  6. To produce progress reports required of school colleagues or other professionals

  1. Relationships with Parents and the Community

  1. To communicate effectively with parents, both formally and informally, thereby encouraging active participation in the education of their children

  2. To prepare and present informative written reports to parents annually

  3. To liaise with agencies responsible for pupils’ welfare and attend meetings when necessary

  4. To deal sensitively with members of all communities represented locally

  1. Managing own Performance and Development

  1. To understand the need to take responsibility for personal professional development and keep up to date with research and developments in pedagogy and in the subjects taught

  2. To participate in further training and professional development as appropriate

  3. To participate in staff meetings which relate to the curriculum or organisation of the school

  4. To participate in arrangements within the agreed framework for appraisal

  5. To reflect upon feedback from colleagues, self-evaluate own teaching and participate in the school’s aims to share good practice and improve the quality of practice

  1. Managing and Developing Staff and Adults

  1. To plan the work of teaching assistants for whom they have responsibility, ensure colleagues are briefed effectively and ensure that activities undertaken promote achievement of pupils

  2. Support school aims to share good and outstanding practice and coach/mentor colleagues as well as accepting support where required

  1. Professional Conduct

  1. To fully support the aims and ethos of the school

  2. To set an excellent example to children, staff and parents in terms of presentation and personal conduct

  3. To relate positively to colleagues, establishing effective and professional working relationships

  4. To implement all current school policies and procedures

  5. To safeguard the health and safety of pupils at all times

  6. To carry out any other such duties which may be required from time to time to meet the needs of the school

  1. Equal Opportunities

  1. To ensure all pupils have access to an appropriately broad and balanced curriculum.

  2. To adhere to the school’s policies for equality of opportunity

  3. To ensure that the planning and teaching methods take account of the language and learning needs of pupils, including those who have SEN or for whom English is an additional language

  1. Subject Leadership (where appropriate)

To undertake subject leadership in a curriculum or related area and:

      • Demonstrate excellent knowledge and understanding of the subject acting as the “in house expert”.

      • Understand how the subject relates to the curriculum as a whole, including the characteristics of high quality learning and teaching

      • Review and develop a comprehensive policy for the subject

      • Identify realistic and challenging targets for improvement

      • Establish, with the involvement of relevant staff, action plans for the development and resourcing of the subject which contribute to the whole school development plan

      • Through effective planning ensure curriculum coverage, continuity and progression within the subject for all pupils

      • Establish and implement clear policies and practices for assessing, recording and reporting on pupil achievement within the subject, including setting targets

      • Through the review progress identify the strengths and weaknesses in learning and teaching

      • Prepare an annual bid for resources and be prepared to identify how money spent has impacted on attainment

      • Report to governors or the school leadership team on progress towards targets

      • Lead professional development through example and support, drawing on other sources of expertise such as LA advisors, independent consultants and subject associations.

I Safeguarding Children

  • To be fully aware of and understanding the duties and responsibilities arising from the Children’s Act 2004 and Working Together in relation to child protection and safeguarding children and young people as this applies to the worker’s role within the organisation.

  • To also be fully aware of the principles of safeguarding as they apply to vulnerable adults in relation to the worker’s role.

  • To ensure that the worker’s line manager is made aware and kept fully informed of any concerns which the worker may have in relation to safeguarding and/or child protection.

Job descriptions are a guide not a prescriptive list. They will be reviewed as and when necessary taking into account factors such as the needs of the school or new changes in legislation. All staff are expected to comply with all school policies including Health and Safety (in line with the Health and safety Act 1974).

Signed: ____________________________ (teacher)

Signed: ___________________________(Headteacher ) Date: ____________________________

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