Train the reading of the Descriptive Text May Week in Cambridge The →most 'interesting and bi`zarre time of the year to visit Cambridge | is during ˎMay Week. || This is →neither in May |, nor it is a ˎweek. || For →some reason≀ which nobody now re>members | `May Week is the 'name 'given to the ↑first'two'weeksinˎJune |, the →very end of the University `year. ||1
The paradox is pleasantly `quaint, | but is also in a way apt. || May Week denotes 'not so much a par'ticular `period of time | as the general 'atmosphere of rela'xation and unˎwinding ≀ at the→end of the year’s ˎwork. || Train the reading of the Scientific Style Well >NOW ≀ I’d like to turn 'now to AS`SESSMENT, | and I →hope you won’t ˏMIND ≀ if I →use this OPPORˎTUNITY ≀ to try to give 'some INDIˏCATION ≀ of ≀ əm || a →more `MODERN, | moreˎRECENT ≀ APˎPROACH ≀ˎTO the assessmentˎPROBLEM ≀ than per↘haps 'I my'self was 'brought ≀'brought `UP on. | And IˎWANT ≀ →very ˎARBITRARILY if I ˏMAY ≀ to DIˎVIDE this ≀ intoˎTHREE ˏHEADINGS and to >ask | ɜ ׃ |'three ≀ 'threeˎQUESTIONS:≀ as→sessment ˅WHY, | as→sessment WHAT, | and as→sessment ˎHOW. ≀ So →this really ˏMEANS ≀ I want to 'talk a'bout ↑first of all the `PURPOSES of ASˏSESSMENT ≀ `WHY we are as sessing ≀ at ˅ALL, |ɜ׃ m | ˎSECONDLY ≀ the →kind of ˎFUNCTIONS ≀ and →processes that are `BEING ASˏSESSED, | and thirdly I want to 'talk about TECHˎNIQUES. | And I shall ≀ I shall have to 'go 'through THIS ≀`FAIRLY ˏRAPIDLY, ≀ and I ˎHOPE ≀ that →if it’s `TOO ˎRAPID ≀ you’ll pick me up in 'question time `AFTERWARDS. ||
Unit 13. Intonational Peculiarities of Newspaper Style The primary function of the newspaper style is to impart information. Brief news items and articles are most typical forms of this style. Full compound and complex sentences are characteristic of this style.
Newspaper texts usually fall into clear-cut paragraphs. Intonation as well as other means serve to inform the listener. Newspaper texts are read in a categoric and reserved manner.
The division into sense-groups is determined by the contents of the text, its syntactical structure and to a certain extent, the announcer’s manner of reading. The division into shorter sense-groups makes the text weighty and emphatic. The division into longer sense-groups gives the text a somewhat calmer and flowing quality.
The newspaper texts are characterized by the following tonetic units:
Falling tones /rather abrupt/;
Descending /Stepping and Sliding/ Scales. Ascending Scales are mostly
used in parenthetic constructions;
A Mid Pitch Range;
Both centralized and decentralized stresses are used in reading newspaper texts.
The tempo is usually moderate and constant with the exception of parenthetic and absolute constructions, which are as a rule, characterized by a quicker tempo.
Pauses are mostly logical and obligatory after paragraphs.
The 'draft 'U.N. 'proposal 'gives 'weapons insˏpectors ≀ more auˏthority and 'threatens 'Baghdad with “`serious ˏconsequences” if it 'fails to co'operate on 'arms inˎspections.
'France also 'said it was disa'ppointed with the 'U.'S. resoˎlution. 'Chief 'U.'N. 'weapons insˏpector 'Hans 'Blix 'said 'Iraq could a'void `war ≀ if 'Baghdad per'suades the 'world that it 'doesn’t have 'weapons of 'mass deˎstruction.