n Also in the engravings of Hudd (Utriusquc cosmi historic) in the genitals appears the inscription Centrum. In other illustrations in the same work (de Givry, 5:200, 201, 203), where man appears inscribed in circles that give prominence to his macrocosmic correspondences, the center of such circles remains also within those organs. Cf. Agrippa, Dc occulta philosophic, 2.27, tigs. 2 and 3. According to esoteric Hindu teaching the seat of the root power—kundalini—called muladhara, is located in the same region.
12 In De pharmacn cathnUco, 3, §17, one ot the consequences of the visira is rhe knowledge of the genesis of the "metals,” and the power to distinguish by experience "the perishable and elusive from the imperishable and the permanent." This is precisely the knowledge of the deep processes that contain, as reaHty, what seems accidental and phenomenal to the exterior consciousness
This symbolism is also found in the Laws of Mann (i2.12ff.) and in the Bhagavad Gica (i 3.1 -2) and is explained in the following terms: "This body [or kauntcya}, is called the Field ... by the one who knows it, and is called by the sages the Connoisseur of the Field. . . . The wisdom concerning the Field and the knower of rhe Field 1 believe to be the true wisdom." In the qabalisric tradition the initiates ("chose alone to whom the mysteries are confided’’), are called "cultivators of the fields'’ (Zohar, 3.141b, 127b, etc). Tin ere is no need to refer here to evangelical symbolism or to the hleusinian rite in which resurrection was represented by an ear of corn.