Task 1Continuous Assessment Ready-Made lesson plan evaluation
tarix | 24.04.2023 | ölçüsü | 14,94 Kb. | | #101995 |
| Task 1Continuous Assessment
Task 1Continuous Assessment
Ready-Made lesson plan evaluation.
find and download a reFor this task you will have to:
ady-made lesson plan from Internet. You can use the following websites: www.teachingenglish.org.uk, www.onestopenglish.com
write an evaluative essay (not less than 600 words) addressing the following issues:
What kind of learners do you think this lesson plan is suitable for (e.g. age, level, gender, needs, cultural background, L1 etc.)?
What skills and language areas does the lesson plan address?
Are the set aims and objectives realistic to achieve?
What framework is chosen for sequencing the lesson?
Are the activities logically sequenced and contribute to achieving the lesson aims?
Is the timing realistic in relation to the content and objectives?
Is there variety of interaction patterns in the lesson plan?
Does the lesson address different learning styles?
What you liked about the lesson plan?
What would you change in this plan if you teach this lesson?
Attach the evaluated lesson plan (specifying the source) to your writing.
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